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ORDINANCE N0. 1!02 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE AI~ENDING ZONING ORDINANCE <br /> OF 1939 <br /> <br /> W~i~XiEAS, the Planning Co~mission of the City of Santa Aha duly declared its <br />intention so to do, and gave notice of public meetings as required by law~ and duly <br />held two public meetings upon the question of the amend~nents herein contained, and <br />thereafter reconm~ended the seaue ~o the City COuncil for adoption~ mud <br /> <br /> VfHEREAS, the City Council gave due and regular notice of a public hearing <br /> <br />to be held before the City Council, and such public hearing has been duly and regularly <br />held, and the City Council does Mw find that public necessity requires the following <br />sanendraents and changes in the present classifications of certain property in the City <br />of Santa Aha, and that the proposed uses under the proposed new classifications will <br />not be detrimental to the surrounding property: <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Banta Ana do ordain as follows: <br />SECTION l: That Sheet No. 43 of the Districting }.lap of the City of Santa <br />Aha of said Ordinance No. 10V4, entitled "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISNING DISTRICTS WI~{IN <br />T~]E CITY OF SANTA ANA AND ESTABLISHING CLASSIFICATIONS OF LAhrD USES AND REGULATING <br />SUCH LAND USES IN SUCH DISTRICTS; REGULATING THE I~EIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND OPEN SPACES <br />FOR LIGHT AND VENTILATION; ADOPTING A !i~P OF SAID DISTRICTS; DEFINING THE TER~.¢~ USED <br />IN SAID 0RDINA}ICE; PROVIDING FOR TH~ ADJ~TlfFNT~ A~NDI~NT AND ENFORCE.I~ENT THEREOF; <br />PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION AND PdEPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 809 AND AT~L . <br />0RDINA!.ICES AI~NDATOEY TIIEREOF OR SUPPT.EI~ITARY THERETO, A~ID ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS <br /> <br />OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH" be amended to reclassify as C-2 Conmlercial District <br />(for convenience called General) all property not now so classified and lying within <br />the following described exterior boundary line~ to'wit: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block "E" as shoval <br /> on a ~ap of "South Ssmba Ana"~ recorded in BOok 5, page 43, of <br /> ~?Iscel!aneous ~aps~ Records of Orange County, California; thence <br /> East along the South line of Flora Street~ 150 feet; thence South <br /> parallel to South loain Street, 380 feet to an intersection with the <br /> South line of Central Avenue; thence East along the South line of <br /> Central Avenue to the West line of Cypress Avenue; Thence South <br /> along the We~t' line of Cypress Avenue, ~0 feet; Thence West parallel <br /> to Central Avenue, l~0 feet; Thence North parallel to Cypress Avenne~ <br /> 90 Feet; thence West parallel to Central Avenue, l~O feet to the East <br /> line of South l~ain Street; thence North along the East line of South <br /> Nain Street~ 8~0 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> That s aid Districting }~ap so amended is attached hereto and hereby adopted <br />and made a part hereof. <br /> <br /> SECTION ~: That Sheet No. ll of the s aid Districting lfap of the City of Sant~ <br />Aha of said Ordinance No. t0~, be amended to reclagsify as C-~ Commercial District <br />(for convenience called General) all property not now so classified and ly!ug within <br />the following described exterior boundary line, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the Northwest corner of Nabury Street and <br /> East First Street~ as shown on a Nap of Gardner Villa Tract; thence <br /> West along the North line of East First Street 900 feet to the East <br /> line of Wright Street; thence ~rth along the East line of Wright <br /> Street~ 188 feet; thence East p~rallel to East First Street~ 900 feet <br /> to the West line of Nabury Street; thence South along the West line <br /> of ~abury Street, 188 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> That said Districting l~ap so amended is attached t~reto and hereby adopted <br /> <br />and made a part hereof. <br /> <br /> SECTION 3: The City Clerk shall <br />and shall cause the same to be published in <br />REGISTER~ a newspaper printed, published and <br /> <br />~rtify to the passage of this ordinance <br /> <br /> three consecutive issues of the SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> circulated in the City of Santa Ana, and <br /> <br /> <br />