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of any such rule or regulation so adopted and promulgated is hereby declared <br /> to be a misdemeanor. <br /> <br /> SECTION 8: It shall be unlawful to disobey any lawful direction or <br /> order of a peace officer, highway patrolman, or fireman, or other person duly <br /> authorized to wear and wearing the official insignia issued by the Santa Ana <br /> Civilian Defense Council, given during a period of air rai~ alarm, which order <br /> is reasonably necessary for the maintenance of public order or safety or to <br /> effect the extinguishment or obscuration of light. <br /> <br /> SECTION 7: Any illumination contrary to the provisions oft his ordinance, <br /> or to any rule or regulation adopted and promulgated in accordance with Section <br /> $ hereof, constitutes a public nuisance, and the same may be summarily abated <br /> by any peace officer, highway patrolman, or fireman. Any structure may be <br /> any peace officer, highway patrolman, or fireman, using reasonable <br /> force if necessary, for the purpose of abating such a nuisance by extinguishing <br /> such illumination. <br /> <br /> .SECTION 8: At the commencement of a period of air raid alarm, the <br /> operator of any motor vehicle shall forthwith bring such vehicle as far as <br /> possible to the side of the street, road or highway off the main traveled <br /> portion thereof, and the operator of such motor vehicle, and the operator of <br /> any street car, shall bring such motor vehicle or street car to a stop clear <br /> of any crossing, intersection, fire house, fire plug, hospital or other emer- <br /> gency depot or area, and if such period is during the hours of darkness, shall <br /> extinguish all lights therein or thereon, and said motor vehicle or street <br /> car shall remain so situated during the period of air raid alarm, unless di- <br /> rected or ordered to move by a peace officer, highway patrolman, or fireman. <br /> <br /> SECTION 9: The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to blackout <br /> emergency vehicles, which shall include the following: <br /> <br /> l) All Army and Navy vehicles; <br /> 2) All vehicles with United States Goverrnnent credentials indicating <br /> the necessity of emergency movement; <br /> 3) All authorized emergency vehicles as defined in sections 44 and <br /> 44.1 of the Vehicle Code of California; <br /> 4) All vehicles of the California State Guard, while actually on duty; <br /> 8) All vehicles of volunteer personnel engaged in the operation of the <br /> aircraft warning service of the Fourth Interceptor command while such personnel <br /> are actually going to or from their posts of duty; <br /> 8) All vehicles certified by sheriffs, district attorneys, the Calif- <br /> ornia State Highway Patrol, police chiefs, and fire chiefs, when within the <br /> respective territorial Jurisdictions of the certifying office, as being essen- <br /> tial to the preservation of the public peace and safety or to the dissemin- <br /> ation of public information or to the national defense; provided, however, <br /> that such vehicles shall conform to the uniform lighting regulations approved <br /> by the Department of Notor Vehicles and the California State Highway Patrol <br /> for blackout emergency vehicles. No certificate shall be issued which con- <br /> flicts with any regulation or order of the United States Army applicable in <br /> the area for which the certificate is issued. <br /> <br /> .~C.TION 10: It shall be unlawful for any person without authority, during <br />any air raid alarm, to use, wear, exhibit or possess any uniform, insignia, <br />credential, or other indication of authority, or any imitation thereof, adopted <br />and issued by any official civilian defense organization. <br /> <br /> SECTION ll: Any person who shall operate a siren, whistle or other audible <br />device in such a manner as to simulate an air raid warning signal or an all <br />clear signal, except upon order of the Civilian Defense Control Officer o~ ather <br />proper authority, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. <br /> <br /> SECTION l~: The provisions of every ordinance of this city and every <br />administrative order made pursuant thereto, requiring any illumination to be <br />maintained in conflict with this ordinance or with any rule or regulation made <br />pursuant to ~ection § of this ordinance, shall be deemed suspended during the <br />period between any air raid warning signal and the next succeeding all clear <br />signal. <br /> <br /> <br />