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-5- <br /> <br />through a central angle of <br />25009'53" ~est 339.05 feet <br />having a radius of 3030.00 <br />through a central angle of <br />34o49'03'' Wast 400.56 feet <br />having ~ radius of 1230.00 <br />through a central angle of <br />53°06'42" ~est 404.44 feet <br />having a radius of 1170.00 <br />through a central angle of <br />40o45'09" West 930.59 feet <br />having a radius of 1170.00 <br />through a central angle of <br />15°15'15" %~est 889.99 feet <br />having a radius of 2030.00 <br />through a central angle of <br /> <br /> of Survey in Book 21~ Page 29) North i6°01'~="~_~ least (base of bearing Nit. el Road) <br /> 1430.56 feet to the South line of .~suel Read distant North 88°21'04TM East 51.08 <br /> feet from the Easterly terminus of a curve described as having a radius of 1970.00 <br /> feet~ a central angle of 22o02'50" and a length of 758.05 feet in the description <br /> of said Nigue! Road; thence along said Southerly line of said Niguel Road South 88© <br /> 21'04" West 51.08 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southerly and h~ing a <br /> radius of 1970J00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 758.05 feet and through <br /> a central angle of 22o02'50"; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South 66°18~14'' <br /> West 866.49 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterl~ and <br /> <br />having a radius of 1170.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 840.08 feet <br /> 41°08'21"; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South <br /> to the beginning of a tangen~ curve concave Nort.'~westerly <br /> feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 510.47 feet <br /> 9°39'10"; thence tangent to last raentioned curve South <br /> to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly <br /> feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 392.73 feet <br /> 18°17'39~'; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South <br /> to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly <br /> feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 252.38 feet <br /> 12°21'33"; thence -tangent to last mentioned curve South <br /> to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly~ <br /> feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 520.69 feet <br /> 25°29'54~'; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South <br /> to the beginning of a tangent curwe concave North~;esterly~ <br /> feet; thence Southwesterly along South curve 287.75 feet <br /> $°07'18"; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South <br /> 23o22'33" West 938.14 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly~ <br /> having a radius 1230.00 feet; ?hence Southwesterly along said curve 607.32 feet through <br /> a central angle of 28o17'24"; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South 51039'57" <br /> ~st 431.59 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly~ having a <br /> radius of 1170.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve 447.25 feet through a <br /> central angle of 21o54'08"; thence tangent to last mentioned curve South 29°45'49" <br /> I.~est 460.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly~ having <br /> <br /> <br />