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federal law, to the use or occupancy of any Rental Unit and (i} has the <br />legal responsibility for the payment of Rent for a Rental Unit or (ii) has <br />agreed to pay the Rent for a Rental Unit. <br />Section 8-3103 — Implementing Regulations, Policies and Procedures <br />The City Manager or Program Administrator shall have the authority to <br />promulgate regulations, policies and procedures to implement the requirements and <br />fulfill the parposes, of this Article. No person shall fail to comply with such regulations, <br />policies and procedures. <br />Section 8-3104 — Mobilehome Residency Law <br />The provisions of this Article shall not supersede the regulations of the state <br />Mobilehome Residency Law, Civil Code section 798, et seq., as applicable. If there is <br />any conflict between the terms of this Article and the Mobilehome Residency Law, the <br />Mobilehome Residency Law shall prevail. <br />Secs. 8-3105 - 8-3119. Reserved. <br />DIVISION 2. — JUST CAUSE EVICTIONS <br />Section 8-3120 — Restrictions on Termination of Tenancy without Just Cause <br />(a) After a Tenant has continuously and lawfully occupied a Residential Real <br />Property for thirty (0) days, the Owner of the Residential Real Property <br />shall not terminate the Tenancy without just cause, which shall be stated <br />in the written notice to terminate Tenancy. The provisions of this section <br />related to the termination of Tenants shall not apply to Mobilehomes or <br />Mobilehome Spaces in Mobilehome Parks subject to the termination <br />provisions of the Mobilehorne Residency Law, Civil Code section 798.56, <br />as applicable. <br />1) The Owner shall post a notice on a form prescribed by the City, <br />providing information about the existence of this Division 2 of Article <br />XIX of Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, including <br />protections related to immigration or citizenship status of Tenant found <br />under Civil Code section 1940.35 and Code of Civil Procedure section <br />1161.4, as may be amended. Notice must be posted in a conspicuous <br />location on the property. The notice shall be written in the language <br />that the Owner and Tenant used to negotiate the terms of the Tenancy <br />(e.g., Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Korean), as well as <br />English. <br />5 <br />