YTD Actual YTD Amended Budget YTD Budget Variance (Under) Over YTD Actual as a Percent of Budget Annual Amended Budget Annual Amended Budget Variance OPERATING REVENUESElectricity Sales, net 299,426,052$ 297,783,571$ 1,642,481$ 100.6% 380,430,000$ (81,003,948)$ OPERATING EXPENSESCost of Energy 226,624,242 236,279,573 (9,655,331) 95.9% 296,657,000 (70,032,758) Data Manager 1,904,723 1,902,082 2,641 100.1% 2,539,000 (634,277) Utilities Service Fees 408,514 461,514 (53,000) 88.5% 606,000 (197,486) Staffing Costs 1,784,552 2,365,837 (581,285) 75.4% 3,980,000 (2,195,448) Contract Services 1,097,236 1,350,993 (253,757) 81.2% 1,716,000 (618,764) Legal Services 414,791 491,392 (76,601) 84.4% 675,000 (260,209) Marketing and Customer Enrollment 1,644,570 1,706,568 (61,998) 96.4% 2,246,000 (601,430) Other G&A 668,891 678,391 (9,500) 98.6% 967,000 (298,109) Energy Programs (Transfer to Programs Fund) 750,000 750,000 - 100.0% 750,000 - Total operating expenses235,297,519 245,986,350 (10,688,831) 310,136,000 (74,838,481) Operating income (loss) 64,128,533 51,797,221 12,331,312 70,294,000 (6,165,467) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)Investment and miscellaneous income 1,466,175 1,302,912 163,263 N/A 1,760,000 (293,825) Interest and financing expense (307,420) (333,741) 26,321 92.1% (495,000) 187,580 Capital Outlay - (25,000) 25,000 0.0% (100,000) 100,000 Nonoperating revenues (expenses), net 1,158,755 944,171 214,584 1,165,000 (6,245) CHANGE IN NET POSITION65,287,288$ 52,741,392$ 12,545,896$ 71,459,000$ (6,171,712)$ ORANGE COUNTY POWER AUTHORITYOPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON REPORTNine Months Ended March 31, 2024See accountants' compilation report. 2