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Item 17 - Rotational Towing and Storage Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Rotational Towing and Storage Services
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Last modified
8/1/2024 11:42:57 AM
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7/31/2024 12:25:18 PM
City Clerk
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SECOND AMENDMENT TO SERVICE AGREEMENT <br />FOR ROTATIONAL TOW PROVIDER <br />THIS SECOND AMENDMENT to the above -referenced agreement is entered into on August 6, <br />2024, by and between Standard Enterprises, Inc. doing business as To' and Mo' ("Contractor"), <br />and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under <br />the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. On April 29, 2021, the City issued Request for Proposal No. 21-060 ("RFP") seeking qualified <br />tow companies to provide Police Rotational Towing and Storage Services for the Santa Ana <br />Police Department. To' and Mo' was among the companies selected. The intent of RFP 21- <br />060 was to have an initial term of three (3) years with the option to extend for two (2) additional <br />one (1) year periods, as indicated in Section II.C.-Implementation of the RFP. The Agreement <br />listed the term of three (3) years, without including the option to extend. The Agreement <br />currently expires on August 31, 2024. The parties wish to amend the Agreement to allow for <br />the option to extend the term for two (2) additional one (1) year periods. <br />B. On August 17, 2021, the parties entered into Agreement NO. ,A-2021-157 ("Agreement"), by <br />which Contractor agreed to provide towing and storage services. <br />C. On May 1, 2023, the Agreement was amended to allow for a two percent (2%) increase of the <br />towing rates. Based on the required statistical information presented to the City, the parties <br />now wish to amend the Agreement again to allow for an additional increase of approximately <br />two percent (2%) of the towing rates, pursuant to Section 2.e. of the Agreement. <br />D. Under Section 2.e.--Adjustments to the Towing and Storage Fee Schedule, the Agreement <br />allows the City to adjust the towing and storage rates in an amount not to exceed two percent <br />(2%) annually based on the most recent statistics: Consumer Price Index ("CPI") and Producer <br />Price Index for Petroleum ("PPI"). Fee adjustments will only be made if justified and may only <br />occur at the sole discretion of the Chief of Police based on recommendations from the Traffic <br />Commander. <br />The Parties therefore agree: <br />1. Section 2, Compensation, is amended to include Exhibits B-3 and B-4 reflecting the rate <br />changes and the CPI data required under section 2.e. Exhibits B-3 and 134 will replace <br />Exhibits 13-1 and Exhibit B-2 of the Agreement and act as the current Fee Schedule until such <br />time as a further amendment may be necessary and/or warranted. <br />2. Section 35 Term, is amended to allow two (2) one (1) year extensions. By way of this Second <br />Amendment, the parties are now exercising the first extension of one (1) additional year from <br />September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025. <br />3. Except as modified by this Second Amendment, all terms and conditions of the Agreement <br />shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />
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