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~O~ION NO. <br /> <br />CONCERNING PARKING LIMITATIONS AND CURB MARKINGS ZN ACOORDANCE T~ITE: <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED: TEAT pursuant to the provisions of 'the Santa ~na Mmuzicipal Code~ <br />Section 3201~ the City declares that portion of P~OLUTI~NNO. 55-269 adopted on the <br />llth day of July 1955~ ordering NO PARKING zones on the <br /> <br />West side of Sycamore Street between Eighth and Tenth Streets <br /> North 20 feet <br /> <br />is hereby repealed and ~escinded~ and the Director of Public Works is hereby directed to <br />cause signs to be removed. <br /> <br /> BE IT AI~OP~0LVED: That pursuant to the provisions of the Santa AnaMunicipal <br />Code~ Sections 3201~ the City declares that portion of RESOLUTION NO. 57-49 adopted on <br />the 4th day of~pril 1957~ ordering NO PARE~NG zone on the <br /> <br />East side of Sycamore Street between Eighth and Tenth Streets <br /> ~orth 20 feet <br /> <br />is hereby repealed and rescinded~ and the Director of ~blic Works is hereby directed <br />to cmuse signs to be re~ved. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTheR RESOLVED: That pursuant to the provisions of the California Vehicle <br />Cod% Sections 21458 and 22507~ and the Santa Ana Municipal Code~ Sections 3201 and 3213~ <br />NO PARKING zones are hereby established as follows: <br /> <br />SYCA~DRE STREET <br /> <br />West side of <br /> <br />Sycamore Street between Tenth and Eighth Streets <br /> North 22 feet <br /> <br />South 2 feet of the North 49 feet <br />South 4 feet of the North 68 feet <br />South 5 feet of the North ll3 feet <br />South i foot of the North 127 feet <br />South i foot of the North 164 feet <br />South i foot of the North2L6 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North 258 feet <br />So~th 8 feet of the North 30~ feet <br />South ~ feet of the North 351 feet <br />South 4 feet of the North 371 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North ~25 feet <br />South 5 feet of the North ~64 feet <br />South 2 feet of the North 491 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North 537 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North 583 feet <br />South ~ feet of the North 625 feet <br />South 2 feet of the North 646 feet <br />South l0 feet of the No~h 677 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North 723 feet <br />South 8 feet of the North 76~ feet <br />South 20 feet <br /> <br />East side of <br /> <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br />North <br /> <br /> Street between~l~th and Tenth Streets <br /> South 8 feet <br />feet of the South 53 feet <br /> <br />feet of the South 99 feet <br />feet of the South 140 feet <br />foot of the South ltl feet <br />foot of the South 208 feet <br />foot of the South 228 feet <br /> <br />6 feet of the South 271 feet <br />14 feet of the South 339 feet <br />8 feet of the South 395 feet <br />12 feet of the South 442 feet <br />2 feet of the South 520 feet <br />2 feet of the South ~0 feet <br /> <br /> <br />