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along said Santa Aha City boundary line, South 0° 12' 17" <br />West, 34.27 feet, to an angle point in said City boundary <br />line, being also the intersection of last mentioned West <br />line with the Southwesterly prolongation of the Northwest- <br />erly line of the land described as Parcel 1, in said deed <br />to the County of Orange, recorded January 10, 1936; thence <br />along said Southwesterly prolongation and along said Santa <br />Aha City boundary line, North 38° 15' 17" East, 54.57 feet, <br />to the most Westerly corner of said Parcel 1; thence along <br />the Southerly line of last mentioned Parcel 1, and continu- <br />ing along said Santa Ana City boundary line, North 75° 41' 47" <br />East, 257.81 feet, to the Westerly right of way line of the <br />Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, 100 feet in width, as <br />shown on a map filed in Book 33, Page 47, Records of Survey <br />of said Orange County, being also the Easterly line of the <br />land described in deed to D. E. LIGGETT, recorded March 15, <br />1950, in Book 1985, Page 182, Official Records of said <br />Orange County; thence along said Westerly right of way line, <br />and along last mentioned Easterly line, and leaving said <br />Santa Ana City boundary line, South 24° 14' 00" East, 103.72 <br />feet, to a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a <br />radius of 1382.69 feet; thence, Southeasterly along said <br />curve and continuing along said Easterly line of LIGGETT's <br />land, an arc length of 480.12 feet, through a central angle <br />of 19° 53' 43" to a point on the North line of the South <br />30.00 feet of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 9 West; <br />thence, along last mentioned North line and leaving the <br />LIGGETT boundary line South 89° 50' 10" East, 41.82 feet, to <br />the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the East <br />line of Lincoln Street, 50.00 feet in width; thence, along <br />said Northerly prolongation and along last mentioned East <br />line, being also the Westerly right of way line of the <br />Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, South 0° 05' 40" <br />West, 523.28 feet, to the point of intersection with the <br />Easterly prolongation of the South line of said land des- <br />cribed in deed to LIGGETT, being also the Easterly prolonga- <br />tion of the North line of Tract No. 3489 as per map recorded <br />in Book 126, Page 42, Miscellaneous Maps of said Orange <br />County, said point being also an angle point in the existing <br />boundary line of the City of Santa Aha as established by <br />Ordinance No. NS-469; thence, along last mentioned City <br />boundary line, and along said North line of Tract No. 3489 <br />and its Easterly prolongation, and along said South line of <br />the LIGGETT land and its Easterly prolongation, South 88° <br /> 41' 20" West, 478.46 feet, to the Northwest corner of said <br /> Tract No. 3489; thence continuing along said South line of <br /> the LIGGETT land and along last mentioned Santa Ana City <br /> boundary line and leaving said North line of Tract No. 3489, <br /> South 88° 41' 20" West, 866.34 feet, to the Northwest corner <br /> of said boundary line as established by Ordinance No. NS-469, <br /> said corner being also on the center line of Santiago Street, <br /> being also on said Santa Aha City boundary, as established by <br /> ordinance No. 73; thence, along last mentioned Santa Aha City <br /> boundary, and along said center line of Santiago Street, and <br /> leaving the Santa Ana city boundary as established by <br /> Ordinance No. NS-469, North 0° 05' 50" East, 496.42 feet, to <br /> a point on said North line of Section 6, said point being <br /> also on said Santa Ana City boundary line as established by <br /> Ordinance No. NS-241; thence East along last mentioned North <br /> line and along said Santa Ana City boundary line, and leaving <br /> said center line of Santiago Street, and leaving said Santa <br /> Ana City boundary line as established by Ordinance No. 73, <br /> 30.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />