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Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Construction Contract to PCN3, Inc. for the Newhope Library
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CITY OF SANTA ANA Addendum No 2 <br />PROPOSAL Project No. 22-182 & 22-1382 <br />PROJECT NOS. 22-1802 AND 22-1382 <br />NEWHOPE LIBRARY MODERNIZATION AND DELHI LIBRARY BRANCH <br />IMPROVEMENTS <br />amount for this item will be dictated by the actual quantity used, and the Agency reserves the <br />right to increase or decrease the quantity of this item accordingly. <br />f This bid item is considered it Specialty Item per Section 3-2 of the Standard Specifications, <br />TIME FOR COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES <br />The undersigned bidder hereby proposes to complete the Work for the total base bid & bid <br />alternates amount shown above, within the working days and the milestone listed. This project will <br />consist of two projects (Newhope Library Modernization & Delhi Library Branch Improvements) <br />that will be running concurrently. <br />The contractor will have 130 working days to complete the improvements at Delhi Library Annex <br />and 150 working days to complete the renovations of Ncwhope Library. In total, the contractor <br />will have 280 working clays to complete all construction based on the following phasing <br />recluirments: <br />I . The contractor will have a 30 working days administrative period. <br />2. Delhi Construction will be started first after the NTP. <br />3. After receiving a certificate of occupancy, the contractor will have 5 working days for <br />punch list corrections. At the end of the 5 working days, the City will begin moving into <br />the space. Punch list corrections may continue beyond City move -in, if necessary. <br />4. City move -it) and staffing will occur for 15 working days. <br />5. After the City completes move -in to Delhi, the City will move out of Newliape Library (20 <br />working days). <br />6. Contractor shall relocate/establish office trailers and other temporary facilities at the <br />Newhope Library during the move out duration. <br />7. Construction on Newhope shall start as soon as move -out is completed. <br />Upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall immediately place order for long -lead <br />time items. <br />The liquidated damages amount, in lieu of the amount specified in Subsection 6-9 of the Standard <br />Specifications, steal I be $1,500 per calendar day for the Delhi Library and $2,500 per calendar day <br />for the Newhope library, <br />Name of Firm PCN3.INC <br />Signature of BIDDER <br />an Abghari <br />Title President, Secretary, Treasurer and Manager <br />(If an individual, so state. If a firm or co -partnership, state the firm name and give the names of <br />all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, <br />and names of President, Secretary, Treasrurer and Manager, thereof.) <br />P-2 of P-19 <br />
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