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November 1, 2023 <br />Dear Commissioners and Councilmembers; <br />Throughout the history of most cities, there are decisions made that produce moments <br />of grand civic success and lasting impact, as well as moments when opportunities of <br />huge community benefit and consequence are missed. Santa Ana, a community that <br />traces its roots back over one hundred and fifty years, has had its share of both, <br />1 share this because our great city is standing at the intersection of one of those very <br />moments now. Related Bristol is a visionary plan to reimagine an aging, 41-acre <br />shopping center past its prime and attraction on South Bristol Street into a new southern <br />gateway t❑ Santa Ana. It will not only become an exciting and vibrant destination of high <br />quality housing, unique shops and restaurants, much needed senior living and a hotel <br />(also very much needed) but an unprecedented economic engine to drive prosperity in <br />the city for decades to come. <br />Stop and consider these numbers; 7,600 new construction and permanent jobs. Nearly <br />$10.7 million in annual tax revenue and an investment of approximately $3 billion, one <br />of largest investment commitments in the city's long, rich history. Related Bristol has the <br />potential to not only transform south Santa Ana into a model for future mixed use <br />development in our city and the region. but it will attract other developers and <br />companies to think big and creatively about investing significantly in our city. With the <br />expected economic benefits, Related Bristol will propel the city's growth and ability to <br />address the many needs a city of our size and age faces, but can't fix due to insufficient <br />funding. <br />Quite simply the halo effect of this project will be a force multiplier for our entire city. <br />In 2022 when Santa Ana's General Plan was revised and approved by the city, I believe <br />Related Bristol was just the type of project they envisioned in terms of design. density <br />and the 13 acres of programmed open space for outdoor events (for comparison <br />purposes that is a bit bigger than the entirety of Centennial Heritage Museum in Santa <br />Ana) like Farmers Markets, Seasonal Craft Fairs. Live Entertainment and Public Art <br />displays. Related Bristol is not only aligned with the General Plan, but it will be the <br />shining example of an urban village where people, not cars, are the priority. <br />1 <br />