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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />B. Scoring Criteria: Proposers will be ranked by the review committee based on the following <br />criteria: <br />CATEGORY <br />POINTS <br />Responsiveness to RFP <br />• Proposal's compliance with the requirements of this RFP. <br />• Scope of Services offered including ability to provide optional services. <br />20 <br />• The value to any new and/or innovative product or service suggestions or <br />other new ideas and enhancements. <br />Understanding of Need <br />• Include milestones of completion of key tasks, to be completed by <br />35 <br />specific team members. <br />Relevant Project Experience/Schedule of Delivery <br />• Relevant project experience within the last 5 years, including experience <br />with public agencies. <br />40 <br />• The experience, resources, and qualifications of the firm and individuals <br />assigned to this account, including manager, supervisor and assigned <br />staff. <br />References <br />• References that are similar in size and project scope to the City. <br />5 <br />TOTAL POSSIBLE SCORE <br />100 <br />Before interviews - if held) <br />Interviews <br />• The City reserves the right to conduct interviews with the highest -rated <br />firm(s). In the event the City does perform an interview process, the <br />20 <br />following is the maximum number of additive points that may be applied <br />to the proposal score. Total possible score may exceed 100 points. <br />C. Rankings: A final score will be calculated for each submitted proposal and used to rank <br />Proposers. Based upon the foregoing criteria, all proposals shall be ranked by score. Only <br />those proposals receiving a score above 70 will be considered for award. The City reserves <br />the right to award the contract to any proposer(s) with a score above 70. The review <br />committee will evaluate proposers based on their response to the RFP and the City <br />evaluation criteria set forth above. <br />D. Interviews: The review committee may invite the proposers to interview. If invited to interview, <br />Proposers must be prepared to include key personnel in the interview and/or presentation. <br />The City reserves the right to seek additional information from any or all Proposers invited to <br />present proposals. A final score will be calculated for each submitted proposal and used to <br />rank Proposers. City reserves the right to begin negotiations and enter into a contract without <br />holding interviews, or further discussions. <br />E. Selection: The City is under no obligation to accept any proposal and reserves the right to <br />negotiate with respondents as to fees and terms. The City may reject proposals at its sole <br />discretion. If proposal fails to satisfy any requirements outlined in this RFP, it may be <br />considered non -responsive and may be rejected. <br />The City shall not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposals, but will make awards <br />in the best interests of the City after all factors have been evaluated. The review committee <br />10 <br />