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(9) <br />I. BACKGROUND <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />The City of Santa Ana, California, is rich in culture and pride, the county seat of Orange County, <br />and encompasses an area of approximately 27 square miles. For more information, please visit <br /> <br />II. OVERVIEW OF PROJECT <br />The City of Santa Ana (City) is seeking proposals from qualified firms and organizations <br />(Proposers) to provide an update to the City's Climate Action Plan. See EXHIBIT I for complete <br />Scope of Services. <br />The term "Vendor", "Proposer", "Firm", "Consultants", and "Contractor" shall refer to any legal <br />entity or entities submitting a proposal in response to this Request for Proposals (RFP). <br />Funding sources for each project may vary and shall comply with the funding agency's <br />requirements. Special conditions may apply. <br />CARB FLEET REGULATIONS: The California Air Resources Board ("CARB") implemented <br />amendments to the In -Use Off -Road Diesel -Fueled Fleets Regulations ("Regulation") which are <br />effective on January 1, 2024 and apply broadly to all self-propelled off road diesel vehicles 25 <br />horsepower or greater and other forms of equipment used in California. A copy of the <br />Regulation is available at: <br /> pdf. <br />Proposers are required to comply with all CARB and Regulation requirements, including, without <br />limitation, all applicable sections of the Regulation, as codified in Title 13 of the California Code <br />of Regulations section 2449 et seq. throughout the duration of the Project. Proposers must <br />provide, with their Proposal, copies of Proposer's and all listed subcontractors' most recent, valid <br />Certificate of Reported Compliance ("CRC") issued by CARB. Failure to provide valid CRCs as <br />required herein may render the Proposal non -responsive. <br />III. PRE -PROPOSAL MEETING <br />A pre -proposal meeting will not be held for this RFP. <br />IV. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />The anticipated term of the agreement is for an initial period of three (3) years. The City may, at <br />its discretion, extend the agreement with the same or more limited scope of required services for <br />two (2) additional one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement contingent upon City Council <br />approval, or City Manager or City Attorney authorization, as appropriate. The total term of the <br />awarded agreement shall not exceed five (5) years. <br />Usage is not guaranteed. Execution of an agreement between the City and successful firm(s) <br />and/or individual(s) does not guarantee work throughout the duration of the contract period. <br />Numerous factors will be evaluated by the City in its delivery of project and assignments, <br />including technical expertise required. <br />