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Flores, Dora <br />From: Mark Neri < <br />Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:54 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Parking Spaces Outside <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Hello, I wanted to address the situation with people parking their vehicles and taking up double spaces or putting cones <br />or chairs or anything that can block from anyone to be able to park on the spots it is unacceptable dangerous and <br />straight reckless, when it comes to reserving parking, there are a few residents out in this area where they have five or <br />more vehicles that are all been covered in different spots that don't allow anyone to be able to get some type of space <br />and these are the reasons why we have issues with Parking and that needs to be addressed. Our address is 1722 N Bush <br />St Santa Ana Ca 92706 and this issue does not come from just our area. It is all over the city and there has to be <br />ordinances to come back. These reserving of parking and people should be held accountable for that. <br />Mark A NeriCSP <br />Environmental Health & Safety Manger <br />