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compliance with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 would ensure that human <br />remains are treated with dignity and as specified by law. <br />Compliance with the existing California Health and Safety Code regulations would ensure impacts <br />related to potential disturbance of human remains are less than significant. Therefore, impacts <br />related to Project buildout of the site would be consistent with the impact conclusions set forth in the <br />GPU FEIR, which determined that impacts to human remains would be less than significant (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.2-15 through 5.2-16). <br />C. Energy <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not result in potentially significant environmental impact due to <br />wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources, during project construction or <br />operation (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.3-8). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />During construction of the proposed Project, energy would be consumed in three general forms, <br />petroleum -based fuels, electricity, and energy used in the production of construction materials. <br />Construction activities related to each phase of the proposed mixed -use Project would not be <br />expected to result in demand for fuel greater on a per -unit -of -development basis than other <br />development projects in Southern California. <br />As identified in Table 5.3-3 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, the overall diesel fuel consumption during <br />construction of the proposed Project would be 529,054 gallons for Phase 1, 287,909 gallons for <br />Phase 2, and 637,296 gallons for Phase 3. Gasoline consumption would be 384,969 gallons for <br />Phase 1, 99,845 gallons for Phase 2, and 416,625 gallons for Phase 3. <br />Construction contractors are required to demonstrate compliance with applicable California Air <br />Resources Board (CARE) regulations and compliance with existing CARB idling restrictions and the <br />use of newer engines and equipment would reduce fuel combustion and energy consumption on the <br />Project site. Overall, construction activities would require limited energy consumption and would <br />comply with all existing regulations. Thus, impacts related to construction energy usage would be <br />less than significant, which is consistent with the findings of the GPU FEIR (Draft Supplemental EIR at <br />pp. 5.3-8 through 5.3-10). <br />Operation <br />Once operational, the mixed -use Project would generate demand for electricity, natural gas, as <br />well as gasoline for motor vehicle trips. Operational use of energy includes the heating, cooling, <br />and lighting of buildings, water heating, operation of electrical systems and plug-in appliances <br />within buildings, parking lot and outdoor lighting, and the transport of electricity, natural gas, and <br />water to the areas where they would be consumed. <br />As identified in Table 5.3-3 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, Project operations for Phase 1 are <br />estimated to consume approximately 431,837 gallons of diesel fuel and 1,435,828 gallons of <br />