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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: <br />Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 10:27 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: city council comment on OC animal shelter <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />The city uses the county animal shelter (OC Animal Care), and the taxpayers pay dearly for the privilege. <br />The shelter has a Strategic Plan that taxpayers cost the taxpayers $400,000. Is it using it? No, it's <br />thrown it out of the window: <br /> <br />Instead, it wants YOU, the taxpayer to pay a few hundred thousand dollars for a new one. It's already <br />put this out to bid. Any day now they'll approve a wasteful contract, and you'll be on the hook. <br />The city council shouldn't let this happen. They should tell the shelter that the city ALREADY PAID for a <br />Strategic Plan, and the shelter should just use it. <br />This is all just an excuse to cover up the misdeeds of incompetent county managers: <br /> n iotis-the-oc-a n i ma I-shelter-d i rector -is -a I I -image -and -no - <br />substance/ <br />Better yet, we should get a non-profit humane society to run the shelter. That's what this OC Register <br />column says, and I agree with it: <br /> <br />And that's not the half of it. Here's a complete rundown of the shelter's problems: <br /> <br />