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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: Kevin Daze < <br />Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 1:28 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Neutral Ground Boxing Club <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Hello, <br />I have been with the Neutral Ground Boxing Club (NGBC) for almost two years and let me tell you what a great time I've <br />had since joining. If you had asked me about boxing a few years ago I would've thought you were crazy: Sam Lazalde, <br />along with the other coaches with NGBC, has opened my eyes to something I truly enjoy. I have even learned some <br />things about myself I didn't even know I could do. Every practice, Coach Sam reminds us to engage our core: something I <br />have underestimated over the years. "If you don't use it, you'll use it", as he's told us in the past. I'm blessed to say I'm a <br />member of NGBC and am forever grateful to Coach Sam and the pastor of our church, Nati Alvarado, who founded <br />Neutral Ground. Thank you for listening. <br />Sincerely, <br />Kevin Daze <br />Sent from my iPhone <br />