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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: KEVIN NGUYEN < <br />Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2024 4:25 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: 2221 N Heliotrope Drive Project <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Dear City Council of Santa Ana, <br />grew up in Floral Park since the 1980s and has now own my own home on the same street as the property in <br />question for the past 10 years. I don't oppose to what that homeowner wants to do in their own backyard but <br />do oppose the notion of using the property as some sort of cultural center to hold meetings and events. <br />have witnessed long lines of cars parking on both sides of the street and in surrounding streets for these <br />events and I do not find that appropriate for our residential community. The owners are still alive and living in <br />the property and hence these events have not been overwhelming. But what happens when they pass and <br />whoever is in charge of overseeing the property is now going to hold these events throughout the years and <br />on weekends when all we want as neighbors is some peace and quiet. The environmental impact to our <br />community of having hundreds of cars coming and going is alarming. It is one thing to hold October Fest, <br />Fourth of July activities, Summer Concerts, etc. on our street years after years ... But these events are for the <br />people of Floral Park. Homeowners of North Heliotrope Drive in Santa Ana have shared our street with other <br />Floral Park families through the years with open arms.. But to ask us to share our street for a planned cultural <br />center for public use in our residential community is ridiculous and I oppose to anything that would <br />perpetuate that plan going forward. <br />Kevin K. Nguyen, MD <br /> <br /> <br />