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CITY OF SANTA ANA SHORT-TERM RENTAL PROHIBITION ORDINANCE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />1. Introduction and Background <br /> Page 5 <br />Implementation of the General Plan was determined to result in significant, unavoidable impacts, even with <br />feasible mitigation, for the following categories: <br /> Air Quality <br /> Cultural Resources <br /> Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br /> Noise <br /> Population and Housing <br /> Recreation <br />1.4 ADDENDUM FORMAT <br />The Addendum is structured as follows: <br />Section 1. Introduction and Background. Summarizes the background and scope of analysis of the <br />Addendum, previous environmental EIR incorporated by reference, and the format of the Addendum. <br />Section 2. CEQA Requirements. Describes the purpose of an Addendum per CEQA and associated <br />environmental procedures. <br />Section 3. Project Description: Includes a description of the City of Santa Ana Short-Term Rental <br />Prohibition Ordinance and further discusses the purpose of the Addendum to the EIR. <br />Section 4. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. Includes the analysis addressing each environmental issue <br />analyzed in the certified EIR as compared to the potential changes in environmental impacts due to the <br />proposed Ordinance <br />Section 5. Findings. Summarizes the findings of the environmental review and substantiates the preparation <br />of an Addendum for the EIR. <br /> <br />Exhibit 3 - Environmental Analysis