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SANTA ANA POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION <br />1607 NORTH SYCAMORE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701-3513 <br />[714] 836-1211 FAX [714] 836-6108 <br />November 19, 2024 <br />John Kachirisky <br />President, Santa Ana Police Officers Association <br />1607 N. Sycamore St. <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Dear Mayor Amezcua and Honorable City Council, <br />I am writing to express the Santa Ana Police Officers Association opposition to item 36 on the City Council's <br />upcoming agenda. This matter was handled many years ago by the courts and the city, therefore, there is no <br />reason to re -visit the past and use this incident as an excuse to cast a shadow on the men and women of the <br />Santa Ana Police Department who work diligently day -in and day -out to keep our city safe. <br />This past election the voters made it clear by electing you, a pro -public safety Mayor, by more than ten <br />percentage points in every ward. Our community also made it clear they want to crackdown on crime and <br />passed Proposition 36 by more than 70% of the vote. <br />Item 36 on the council's upcoming agenda is NOT what voters want. Simply put, it is a wedge and tactic <br />meant to discredit our great police department and create distance between the officers and the community — <br />who overwhelmingly have spoken for action and results. As you are aware, the city settled this matter with <br />Mr. Vargas and his family years ago and the former officer was held accountable, proving once again, the <br />justice system does in fact work. <br />Let us not re -visit the past, but instead, look to the future and come together to give the voters what they <br />asked for in this election - a safe and vibrant city where all law-abiding residents can enjoy their <br />neighborhoods and parks without fear of being victimized by criminals. Let us continue to work together to <br />accomplish this rather than stir the flames of divisive rhetoric. The Santa Ana Police Department strives to <br />be one of the most respectable and responsible police departments in the nation, and we have been on the <br />forefront of transparency. Please reject item 36 and let us move forward together to build a safe and vibrant <br />Santa Ana. <br />Sincerely, <br />John Kachirisky <br />President, Santa Ana Police Officers Association <br />JK/mw <br />