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of 5 Resource Name: Marne —of Structure» <br />by Andrea Dumovich Heywood *Date May 8, 2024 I Continuation ❑ Update <br />Additional Figures: <br />Figure 2. At the primary (north) fagade, the covered Figure 3. The primary entrance is situated within the <br />porch wraps around the building's northeast corner and covered porch at the primary (north) fagade and is <br />is supported by three porch columns composed of a single glazed door with divided lights. <br />Figure 4. A large tripartite wood -frame windows, Figure 5. Fenestration on the side (west) fagade consists <br />comprised of a central fixed window between two narrow of several double -hung wood windows of various size, <br />double -hung windows with divided lights, adjacent to the along with a small casement window. <br />Figure 6. The rear (south) fagade is made of the primary Figure 7. The front -gabled garage has an <br />gable roof and a smaller gable roof that houses the 2019 vehicular double -door that slides open. <br />laundry room addition to kitchen. <br />DPR 523L <br />