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1. SCOPE, OF PROGRAM <br />A. General Administration <br />The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to implement this activity as sot forth in detail in Exhibit A, <br />Scope of Work, which shall provide a description of each activity, including the services to be <br />performed, the person or entity providing the service, the estimated number of recipients of the <br />service, and the mannor and means of the services. <br />B, Levels of Accomntishment — Goals and Performance Measures <br />The SUBRECIPIENT shall be responsible to accomplish the levels of performance as set <br />forth in Exhibit A and report such measures quarterly to the CITY. If the SUBRECIPIENT <br />estimates such goals will not be met, the SUBRECIPIENT is to contact the CrfY, at which time <br />the CITY will determine if any adjustments to the grant award is appropriate. <br />C. Sta£fine <br />The SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure adequate and appropriate staffing is allocated to each <br />ESG activity. Nothing contained in this AGREEMENT is intended to, or shall be construed in <br />any manner, as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee between the <br />parties, <br />it. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />This AGREEMENT shall take effect on and cover all services beginning on July 1, 2024, and <br />shall terminate on June 30, 2025, unless otherwise cancelled or modified according to the terms <br />of this AGREEMENT, <br />III. DISBURSEMENT AND FUNDS <br />The City was allocated $422,578 in Emergency Solutions Grant finds wider the McKinney- <br />Vouto Homeless Assistance Act for fiscal year 2024-2025 from the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development. At the close of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, the CITY had unspent funds from <br />the ESG Program totaling $87,810 and it desires to reallocate for distribution for fiscal year 2024- <br />2025. CITY agrees to pay to SUBRECIPIENT when, if and to the extent federal funds are <br />received under provisions of the Act a sum not to exceed $81,321 for SUBRECIPIENT'S <br />performance in accordance with the Budget attached hereto as "Exhibit B" during the period of <br />this Agreement. The breakdown of said sum is $35,124 from Fiscal Year 2023-2024 funds <br />under FAIN E-23-MC-06-0508, and $46,197 from Fiscal Year 2024-2025 funds under <br />FAIN E-24-MC-06-0508. Said sum shall be paid after CITY receives invoices submitted by <br />SUBRECIPIENT as provided hereinabove. <br />A. Amount and Expenditure End Date <br />The CITY agrees to reimburse the SUBRECIPIENT a maximum amount not to exceed <br />$81,321 from Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, as outlined in Exhibit B, Final Budget, <br />and such fiords shall be expended by the SUBRECIPIENT on or before June 30, 2025. <br />SUBRECIPIENT has the ability to adjust line item amounts in the Budget with the written <br />approval of the CITY's Executive Director of the Community Development Agency, so long as <br />the total Budget amount does not increase. <br />Page 2 of 23 <br />