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EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF KEY PERSONNEL <br />Experience and Qualifications of <br />Key Personnel <br />We believe our firm is uniquely able to assemble the most experienced, best qualified <br />professional staff for this engagement. The City's project will continue to be primarily staffed by <br />consultants from our Sacramento office. <br />PATRICK DYER, VICE PRESIDENT I PROJECT EXECUTIVE <br />As Project Executive, Mr. Dyer will ensure that the project is appropriately and adequately <br />staffed and completed on schedule. Mr. Dyer is also responsible for ensuring the City is <br />completely satisfied with MGT's services and will address and resolve any project management <br />issues that may arise during the SB 90 engagement. <br />Mr. Dyer has over 26 years of experience with state and local government operations, <br />consulting across a variety of areas: mandated cost claiming (SB 90), cost allocation, user fee <br />analyses, and indirect cost rates. He has extensive experience in assisting agencies in the <br />preparation and submission to state federal cognizant agencies of funding requests, claims for <br />reimbursements, indirect cost rates and indirect cost allocation plans. Mr. Dyer has been <br />personally involved with mandates since 1997, filed test claims, testified before the <br />Commission on State Mandates, defended costs during field audits, prepared and filed claims <br />as both a claimant and a consultant. Mr. Dyer is an available resource to discuss audit defense, <br />desk reviews, test claims or any counsel your agency requires related to mandated costs. <br />DIANA HANCOCK, MANAGER I PROJECT MANAGER <br />Ms. Hancock is a Manager with MGT and has over fifteen years of professional consulting <br />experience working with local governmental agencies. She is experienced with large scope state <br />mandated costs projects (SB 90), being responsible for coordination and submission of SB 90 <br />claims, with extensive experience in defending clients in desk and field audits. She has <br />participated in, managed, and completed more than 100 separate consulting engagements <br />throughout his career for cities, counties, towns, and special districts. Her wide range of <br />experience, along with her exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills, makes her a <br />significant asset to every one of her projects. <br />Ms. Hancock will oversee the daily work of the project and ensure project implementation <br />occurs on schedule and in accordance with all project requirements. She will be responsible for <br />the following: <br />Development of the overall project plan <br />Staff interviews <br />Timely submittal of claims to State Controller <br />Interfacing with the SCO related to field audits <br />Responding to desk reviews performed by the SCO <br />MC -FT SB 90 STATE MANDATED COST REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES PAGE 5 <br />