provided such new improvement, addition or major repair has a useful life
<br />of five (5) years or more and that is required to be amortized over the
<br />useful life of the improvement, such as: structural, electrical, plumbing, or
<br />mechanism system, roofing, carpeting, draperies, stuccoing the outside of
<br />a building, air conditioning, security gates, swimming pool, sauna or hot
<br />tub, fencing, children's play equipment permanently installed, the
<br />complete exterior painting of a building, and other similar improvements as
<br />defined under the straight line depreciation provisions of the Internal
<br />Revenue Code and the regulations issued pursuant thereto and
<br />determined by the Rental Housing Board. Capital Improvement does not
<br />include normal or routine maintenance, repair, replacements, and/or
<br />deterioration resulting from an unreasonable delay in the undertaking of
<br />completion or after a Notice of Violation by a government agency ordering
<br />repairs.
<br />"City" means the City of Santa Ana.
<br />"Hearing Officer" means a person who has been appointed by the
<br />Program Administrator to perform the duties set forth in this Article.
<br />"Housing Services" means those services provided and associated with
<br />the use or occupancy of a Rental Unit including, but not limited to,
<br />insurance, repairs, replacement, maintenance, effective waterproofing and
<br />weather protection, painting, providing light, heat, hot and cold water,
<br />elevator service, window shades and screens, laundry facilities and
<br />privileges, janitorial services, utilities that are paid by the Landlord, refuse
<br />removal, allowing pets, telephone, parking, storage, the right to have a
<br />specified number of Tenants or occupants, computer technologies,
<br />entertainment technologies, including cable or satellite television services,
<br />and any other benefits, privileges or facilities connected with the use or
<br />occupancy of such Rental Unit including a proportionate share of the
<br />services provided to common facilities of the building in which such Rental
<br />Unit is located and/or of the property on which such Rental Unit is located.
<br />"Landlord" or "Owner" means an owner of record, lessor, sublessor or any
<br />person, partnership, corporation, family trust, or any other business entity,
<br />or any successor in interest thereto, offering for rent or lease any Rental
<br />Unit or Mobilehome or Mobilehome Space in a Mobilehome Park in the
<br />City and shall include the employee, agent or representative of the
<br />Landlord if the agent or representative has the full authority to answer for
<br />the Landlord and enter into binding agreements on behalf of the Landlord.
<br />"Mediator" means a person whom the Program Administrator determines
<br />meets all of the following criteria:
<br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX
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