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accepted, labor performed, or services rendered. With respect to <br />Mobilehomes and Mobilehome Spaces in Mobilehome Parks, any <br />regulations of rent, fees, and costs included within the Mobilehome <br />Residency Law, Civil Code section 798, et seq., shall be incorporated into <br />the definition of Rent, as applicable. <br />"Rent Increase" means any additional Rent demanded of or paid by a <br />Tenant for a Rental Unit, including any reduction in Housing Services <br />without a corresponding reduction in the amount demanded or paid for <br />Rent; or a pro rata increase in costs of Housing Services apportioned to a <br />Rental Unit. <br />"Rental Agreement" means a lease, sublease, or other agreement, written, <br />oral or implied, between a Landlord and a Tenant for the use and/or <br />occupancy of a Rental Unit and for Housing Services. With respect to <br />Mobilehomes and Mobilehome Spaces in Mobilehome Parks, any <br />regulations of rental agreements or leases within the Mobilehome <br />Residency Law, Civil Code section 798, et seq., shall be incorporated into <br />the definition of Rental Agreement, as applicable. <br />"Rental Housing Board" or "Board" means the Rental Housing Board <br />established by Division 5 of this Article XIX of Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. <br />"Rental Registry" means the database or portal where Landlords register <br />Rental Units, update Rental Unit information, update Tenancy information, <br />submit notices, and pay the Rental Registry Fee. <br />"Rental Unit" means any building, structure, or part thereof, or any <br />Mobilehome and Mobilehome Spaces in a Mobilehome Park, offered or <br />available for rent for residential use or occupancy in the City, including the <br />land appurtenant thereto, together with all Housing Services in connection <br />with the use or occupancy thereof, including common areas and <br />recreational facilities held out for use by the Tenant, which is not exempt <br />pursuant to the exemptions set forth in this Article. <br />"Residential Real Property" or "Residential Property" means any housing <br />unit, including a room or group of rooms designed and intended for <br />occupancy by one or more persons, including a Rental Unit and a <br />Mobilehome or Mobilehome Space in a Mobilehome Park, offered for rent <br />or lease in the City. <br />"Tenancy" means the right or entitlement of a Tenant to use or occupy a <br />Rental Unit, including a Mobilehome or Mobilehome Space in a <br />Mobilehome Park. <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 4 of 41 <br />