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any Owner or agent of the Owner of the Residential Real <br />Property or members of Tenant's household or other Tenants of <br />the Residential Real Property. This at -fault, just cause provision <br />shall apply if the Owner has, within a reasonable time, reported <br />the criminal activity to law enforcement. Further, at -fault, just <br />cause eviction of a Tenant under this provision shall only apply <br />to that Tenant who committed the criminal activity described <br />herein. If a Tenant is acquitted or found not guilty of the charges <br />giving rise to eviction, or if charges are not filed against the <br />Tenant within the applicable statute of limitations period, the <br />Tenant shall be offered the right to restore the Tenancy only if <br />the same Residential Real Property is available. <br />G. Assigning or subletting the premises in violation of the Tenant's <br />lease, as described in paragraph (4) of Section 1161 of the <br />Code of Civil Procedure. <br />Notwithstanding any contrary provision in this section, an <br />Owner shall not take any action to terminate a Tenancy <br />based on a Tenant's sublease of the Residential Real <br />Property if all the following requirements are met: <br />The Tenant requests permission from the Owner <br />in writing to sublease the Residential Real <br />Property; <br />II. The Tenant continues to reside in the Residential <br />Real Property as their primary residence; <br />III. The sublease replaces one or more departed <br />Tenants under the lease on a one -for -one basis; <br />and <br />IV. The Owner fails to respond to the Tenant in writing <br />within a reasonable amount of time of the receipt <br />of the Tenant's written request. If the Owner fails <br />to respond to the Tenant's written request, the <br />request shall be deemed approved by the Owner if <br />the lease is for a period of one (1) year or less. An <br />Owner's reasonable refusal of the Tenant's written <br />request may be based on, but is not limited to, the <br />ground that the total number of occupants in a <br />Residential Real Property exceeds the maximum <br />number of occupants as determined under Section <br />503(b) of the Uniform Housing Code or successor <br />provision. <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 8 of 41 <br />