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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Contractor shall perform services as set forth below. <br />I. OPTION A: City Council and other Public Meetings <br />A. General Responsibilities: <br />1. Serve as Video Producer/Administrator for all City of Santa Ana Council meetings and <br />cable -casting events in Council Chambers. <br />i. Live broadcast and record City Council meetings. <br />2. Provide production services in live meeting coverage and playback for approximately <br />twenty-four (24) meetings, including: <br />i. City Council meetings held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, and <br />ii. Possible additional public meetings as selected by the City Clerk and/or City <br />Manager, as needed. <br />3. Provide technical assistance for City production crews and staff. <br />4. Be responsible for all graphics/audio/visual needs during the presentations, which <br />includes: <br />i. PowerPoint, <br />ii. Overheads, <br />iii. Video roll -ins and presentations, <br />iv. Review cueing system, <br />v. Proper use of microphones for Council. <br />5. Arrange for and design overall look and style of productions. <br />6. Arrange for input of council graphics prior to the meeting. Run a spell check. Arrange <br />for graphics to state replays during the meeting, approximately every 30 minutes <br />during program. <br />7. Use of video streaming services that integrate with Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or <br />similar social media platforms. <br />8. Responsiveness to provide video services for meetings on short notice (24 to 72 hours <br />in advance.) Proposer should identify staffing levels, availability and how these needs <br />will be met. <br />B. Communication with City Staff: <br />1. Maintain open communications with the Public Affairs Information Officer and City <br />Clerk's Office for special needs or changes pertinent to the agenda for each council <br />meeting. <br />2. Communicate and confirm with the Public Affairs Information Officer regarding Council <br />meeting coverage and playback related to the city channel. Report technical playback <br />and Council problems and remedies to the cable office. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 24-108 Page 16 of 33 <br />