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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />1771. Questions of an operational nature may be directed to the City's assigned Buyer. <br />Neither the City, nor PlanetBids, makes any guarantee as to the timely availability of <br />assistance, or assurance that any given problem will be resolved by the bid submission <br />deadline. <br />Proposals shall NOT be sent via telegraphic, electronic, or facsimile means. <br />All notifications, updates and addenda will be posted online on PlanetBids at <br /> Proposers shall be <br />responsible for monitoring the site to obtain information regarding this solicitation. Failure to <br />respond to required updates may result in a determination of a nonresponsive proposal. <br />B. COMMUNICATION / CONTACT WITH CITY STAFF <br />Unless otherwise authorized herein, Proposers who are considering submitting a proposal in <br />response to this RFP, or who submit a proposal in response to this RFP, are only to <br />communicate with the assigned Project Manager(s), and no other City staff about this RFP <br />from the date this RFP is issued until a contract is awarded. The City will provide all official <br />communication concerning this RFP in writing via the City's Bid Management System, <br />PlanetBids. <br />The City will not be responsible for or bound by any oral communication or any other <br />information or contact that occurs outside the official communication process specified <br />herein, unless confirmed in writing by the designated Project Manager(s). <br />C. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION / QUESTIONS <br />Questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted via PlanetBids. Responses to all questions <br />will be posted on PlanetBids no later than the date and time shown at the schedule of key <br />RFP dates on the cover page of this RFP. All prospective Proposers are advised to visit <br />PlanetBids on a regular basis as responses may be posted earlier than the date above (if <br />applicable). No verbal requests or responses will be accepted. Significant interpretations or <br />clarifications will be addressed via addenda to this RFP. <br />Significant interpretations or clarifications and responses to questions received by the <br />deadline will be addressed via addenda to this RFP, which will be released and posted on <br />PlanetBids under the "Addenda/Emails" tab. <br />D. EXCEPTIONS <br />Requests submitted for City's consideration of proposed terms and conditions, including <br />modifications to the City's RFP and/or Contract terms and conditions must be submitted by <br />the deadline for questions. Such requests should include an attachment in Word or PDF <br />format on formal company letterhead that shows the requested modifications. Should the <br />Proposer be considered for award recommendation and progress into the negotiations <br />phase, the requests for exceptions or modifications to the City's terms and conditions will be <br />discussed at that time. The City will not accept any requests after the deadline for questions <br />and reserves the right to reject or strike any requests for exceptions or additional terms and <br />conditions related to Agreement, RFP, and insurance and indemnification terms and <br />conditions. <br />E. ADDENDA <br />Any changes in RFP from the date of release to date of submittal will result in an addendum <br />or amendment. Notification of such addendum or amendment shall be posted on City's <br />PlanetBids system, <br />