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(9) CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />d. Firm and Team Experience <br />Proposal shall include a profile of the firm's experience including the following: <br />A general description of the firm, including size and number of employees <br />working directly with the City on this agreement. <br />Firm's nearest address serving the City of Santa Ana and headquarters <br />address. <br />iii. Name and contact information of the supervising Project Manage/Principal <br />Agent, to be assigned to the agreement. The Project Manager/Principal Agent <br />shall be the primary contact person to represent your firm and will be the <br />person to conduct the presentation, if invited to an interview. <br />iv. Resumes for all key staff proposed describing relevant experience. <br />e. Proposed Work Plan <br />Proposal shall include a statement demonstrating the firm's understanding of the <br />Scope of Services. <br />Additionally, proposed work plan shall include Proposers': <br />Anticipated approach to performing services as specified herein; <br />Suggestions or special concerns the evaluation committee should take into <br />consideration (if any); <br />iii. Description of deliverables and implementation plan. Proposer shall submit a <br />general description of the deliverables, implementation plan, and timeline. <br />f. References <br />Attachment B — References shall be submitted for similar projects performed for state <br />and/or similar government clients. <br />2. Cost Proposal <br />All Proposers are required to submit a fixed rate fee with their Cost Proposal. Pricing <br />instructions should be clearly defined to ensure fees proposed can be compared and <br />evaluated. Cost Proposal must include a payment schedule if applicable. City reserves <br />the right to negotiate compensation and/or payment schedule prior to award of any <br />resulting agreement. If providing hourly rate sheets, Proposer shall not include rate <br />ranges or averages. <br />The City shall not provide reimbursement for travel -related expenses, mileage, parking, <br />lodging, meals, incidental fees, insurance, freightfshipping and handling/delivery, and any <br />other business expenses, supplies and materials related to providing services as <br />specified herein. Additional costs will not be considered and will not be reimbursed by the <br />City, therefore, such costs must be absorbed in Proposer's cost proposal fee structure. <br />Any language related to travel reimbursement shall be stricken from the document by the <br />City and if not stricken, shall be deemed invalid. <br />