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Application for Prohousing Incentive Program Grant Funds <br />December 17, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />On August 15, 2024, HCD issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the third <br />round of the HCD PIP (PIP Round 3). To be eligible for the PIP Round 3, jurisdictions <br />must have received their Prohousing designation by December 31, 2024. The <br />application deadline for the PIP Round 3 is also December 31, 2024. Afterward, HCD <br />will evaluate applicants who meet the program's threshold requirements and rank them <br />based on their Prohousing Designation score. <br />For this round, approximately $8 million in funding is available, and awards can be used <br />for planning and implementation activities related to housing and community <br />development. Eligible applicants will receive a base award based on population size (for <br />cities with populations between 300,000 and 749,999, this amount is $1,000,000). In <br />addition, applicants may qualify for a bonus award of up to $500,000, calculated by <br />multiplying their Prohousing Designation score by $10,000. For instance, a jurisdiction <br />with a Prohousing Designation score of 35 could receive a bonus of $350,000, in <br />addition to the base award. <br />The application for the PIP program must include a resolution approved by the City <br />Council (Exhibit 1). Additionally, before funds can be awarded, the City of Santa Ana <br />(City) must meet several requirements: it must have adopted a compliant Housing <br />Element, submitted a legally sufficient Annual Progress Report, obtained the <br />Prohousing Designation, and complied with relevant State and Federal housing laws. <br />For PIP Round 3, the City is applying for $1 million in funding and a bonus award to <br />support the development of affordable rental and ownership housing. These funds will <br />be directed toward projects that aim to increase the supply of affordable housing units, <br />in line with the City's commitment and requirements in the Housing Element. The funds <br />will be used for development activities related to affordable housing, ensuring that the <br />City remains in compliance with State and Federal housing requirements while <br />advancing local housing goals. This application, which supports Santa Ana's pursuit of a <br />Prohousing city designation, will help fund critical housing initiatives, fostering long-term <br />growth and stability within the community. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />If approved by HCD, the City would be eligible to receive a minimum of $1,000,000 in <br />HCD PIP funds. Those funds would be recognized at a later date. However, there is no <br />fiscal impact associated with this item. <br />EXHIBIT(S) <br />1. Resolution <br />Submitted By: Michael L. Garcia, Executive Director of Community Development <br />Approved By: Alvaro Nunez, City Manager <br />