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EXHIBIT 1 <br />V. Description of Transfers: This section describes transfers, if any, to another housing <br />successor agency made in previous Fiscal Year(s), including whether the funds are <br />unencumbered and the status of projects, if any, for which the transferred LMIHAF will <br />be used. The sole purpose of the transfers must be for the development of transit <br />priority projects, permanent supportive housing, housing for agricultural employees or <br />special needs housing. <br />VI. Project Descriptions: This section describes any project for which the Housing <br />Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS and the status <br />of that project. <br />VII. Status of Compliance with Section 33334.16: This section provides a status update <br />on compliance with Section 33334.16 for interests in real property acquired by the <br />former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012. For interests in real property <br />acquired on or after February 1, 2012, provide a status update on the project. <br />Vill. Description of Outstanding Obligations under Section 33413: This section <br />describes the outstanding inclusionary and replacement housing obligations, if any, <br />under Section 33413 that remained outstanding prior to dissolution of the former <br />redevelopment agency as of February 1, 2012 along with the Housing Successor's <br />progress in meeting those prior obligations, if any, of the former redevelopment agency <br />and how the Housing Successor's plans to meet unmet obligations, if any. <br />IX. Income Test: This section provides the information required by Section <br />34176.1(a)(3)(B), or a description of expenditures by income restriction for five year <br />period, with the time period beginning January 1, 2014 and whether the statutory <br />thresholds have been met. Information is provided covering the period of July 1, 2019 — <br />June 30, 2024. <br />X. Senior Housing Test: This section provides the percentage of units of deed -restricted <br />rental housing restricted to seniors and assisted individually or jointly by the Housing <br />Successor, its former redevelopment Agency, and its host jurisdiction within the previous <br />10 years in relation to the aggregate number of units of deed -restricted rental housing <br />assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment <br />Agency and its host jurisdiction within the same time period. For this Report the ten-year <br />period reviewed is January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023. <br />XI. Excess Surplus Test: This section provides the amount of excess surplus in the <br />LMIHAF, if any, and the length of time that the Housing Successor has had excess <br />surplus, and the Housing Successor's plan for eliminating the excess surplus. <br />XII. Inventory of Homeownership Units: This section provides an inventory of <br />homeownership units assisted by the former redevelopment agency or the Housing <br />Successor that are subject to covenants or restrictions or to an adopted program that <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA — FY 2023/24 Page 2 <br />