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Continued in -person comments: <br />21. Peter Christoffersen, Appellant, provided a rebuttal to the comments made in <br />support of the conditional use permit and requested Council take all of the facts <br />into account when making their final decision. <br />22. Quynh Kieu, Applicant, provided a rebuttal to the comments made in opposition <br />to the approval of the conditional use permit. <br />City Attorney Sonia Carvalho announced that pursuant to Resolution No. 2023-047 <br />all meetings are scheduled to terminate at 11:59 P.M. on the same day it began and <br />at 11:00 P.M. the City Council shall determine which of the remaining agenda items <br />can be considered and acted upon prior to 11:59 P.M. and will continue all other <br />items. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Bacerra moved to consider the public hearing items <br />and continue the remaining items to the next City Council meeting. <br />SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Councilmember Hernandez moved to approve <br />Agenda Item No. 34 and continue the remaining items to the next meeting, <br />seconded by Mayor Amezcua. <br />SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Councilmember Vazquez moved to consider Item Nos. <br />34 and 36 and continue the remaining items to the next City Council meeting. <br />MINUTES: There being no additional speakers, Mayor Amezcua closed the Public <br />Hearing at 11:04 P.M. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Phan inquired about any complaints received related to traffic and <br />unpermitted events in the neighborhood. <br />Councilmember Penaloza spoke in support of the project. <br />Councilmember Bacerra spoke regarding the architectural style of the home, stated <br />the structure does not belong in the neighborhood, and proposed additional <br />landscaping conditions. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pro Tern Phan moved to approve the recommended action <br />for Agenda Item No. 34, seconded by Councilmember Penaloza. <br />The motion carried, 6-1, by the following roll call vote: <br />CITY COUNCIL 27 NOVEMBER 19, 2024 <br />City Council 8 — 27 12/17/2024 <br />