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<br /> <br />Preparedness Grants Manual | February 2021 22 <br />Recipients must accept their awards no later than 60 days from the award date. The recipient shall notify <br />FEMA of its intent to accept and proceed with work under the award or provide a notice of intent to <br />decline through the ND Grants system. For instructions on how to accept or decline an award in the ND <br />Grants system, please see the Grant Recipient User Guide. Failure to accept a grant award within the 60- <br />day timeframe may result in a loss of funds. <br /> <br />Pass-Through Requirements <br />Please see the applicable NOFO and appendix to this Manual for information on pass-through <br />requirements for that program. <br /> <br />Administrative and National Policy Requirements <br />All successful applicants for all FEMA grant and cooperative agreements are required to comply with <br />DHS Standard Terms and Conditions. <br /> <br />The applicable DHS Standard Terms and Conditions will be those in effect at the time the award was <br />made. The specific terms and conditions that will apply for the award will be clearly stated in the award <br />package at the time of award. <br />Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance <br />As a federal agency, FEMA is required to consider the effects of its actions on the environment and <br />historic properties to ensure that all activities and programs funded by FEMA, including grant-funded <br />projects, comply with federal EHP regulations, laws, and Executive Orders, as applicable. <br /> <br />Recipients and subrecipients proposing projects that have the potential to impact the environment, <br />including, but not limited to, the construction of communication towers, modification or renovation <br />of existing buildings, structures, and facilities, new construction including replacement of facilities, <br />and some training activities, must participate in the FEMA EHP review process. The EHP review <br />process involves the submission of a detailed project description along with any supporting <br />documentation requested by FEMA in order to determine whether the proposed project has the potential <br />to impact environmental resources or historic properties. A GPD EHP screening form and supporting <br />documentation for preparedness projects requiring EHP review should be submitted to <br /> <br /> <br />In some cases, FEMA is also required to consult with other regulatory agencies and the public in order to <br />complete the review process. The EHP review process must be completed before funds are released to <br />carry out the proposed project; otherwise, FEMA may not be able to fund the project due to <br />noncompliance with EHP laws, Executive Orders, regulations, and policies. <br /> <br />DHS and FEMA EHP policy is found in directives and instructions available on the EHP <br />page, the FEMA website page that includes documents regarding EHP responsibilities and program <br />requirements, including implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act and other EHP <br />regulations and Executive Orders. <br /> <br />The GPD EHP screening form is located at <br />Additionally, all recipients under this funding opportunity are required to comply with the FEMA GPD <br />EHP Policy Guidance, FEMA Policy #108-023-1, available at <br />library/assets/documents/85376.