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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-3 <br />• Responding to an increase in the threat level under the National Terrorism Advisory System <br />(NTAS) or needs resulting from a National Special Security Event <br />• Paying salaries and benefits for personnel to serve as qualified Intelligence Analysts. Per the <br />Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and Enhancement of Homeland Security <br />Act (PRICE Act), Pub. L. No. 110-412, § 2, codified in relevant part, as amended, at 6 U.S.C. § <br />609(a), SHSP and UASI funds may be used to hire new staff and/or contractor positions to serve <br />as intelligence analysts to enable information/intelligence sharing capabilities, as well as support <br />existing intelligence analysts previously covered by SHSP or UASI funding. See 6 U.S.C. § <br />609(a). To be hired as an intelligence analyst, staff and/or contractor personnel must meet at least <br />one of the following criteria: <br />o Complete training to ensure baseline proficiency in intelligence analysis and production <br />within six months of being hired; and/or, <br />o Previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two years either in a <br />federal intelligence agency, the military, or state and/or local law enforcement <br />intelligence unit. <br />• All fusion center analytical personnel must demonstrate qualifications that meet or exceed <br />competencies identified in the Common Competencies for state, local, and tribal intelligence <br />analysts, which outlines the minimum categories of training needed for intelligence analysts. A <br />certificate of completion of such training must be on file with the State Administrative Agency <br />(SAA) and must be made available to the recipient’s respective FEMA HQ Preparedness Officer <br />upon request. <br />• Migrating online services to the “.gov” internet domain. <br /> <br />All SAAs are allowed to use up to 50% of their SHSP funding, and all high-risk urban areas are allowed to <br />use up to 50% of their UASI funding, for personnel costs per 6 U.S.C. § 609(b)(2)(A). Personnel hiring, <br />overtime, and backfill expenses are permitted under this grant only to the extent that such expenses are for <br />the allowable activities within the scope of the grant. Personnel expenses may include, but are not limited <br />to training and exercise coordinators, program managers and planners, intelligence analysts, and <br />Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWICs). <br /> <br />At the request of a recipient, the FEMA Administrator (or their designee) may grant a waiver of this 50% <br />limitation under 6 U.S.C. § 609(b)(2)(B). Requests for waivers to the personnel cap must be submitted by <br />the authorized representative of the SAA to FEMA in writing on official letterhead, with the following <br />information: <br /> <br />• Documentation explaining why the cap should be waived <br />• Conditions under which the request is being submitted <br />• A budget and method of calculation of personnel costs both in percentages of the grant award <br />and in total dollar amount. <br /> <br />Please see IB 421b for additional information on the waiver request process. <br />Organizational activities under SHSP and UASI include: <br />Operational Overtime Costs. In support of efforts to enhance capabilities for detecting, deterring, <br />disrupting, and preventing acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events, operational overtime costs are <br />allowable for increased protective security measures at critical infrastructure sites or other high-risk <br />locations and to enhance public safety during mass gatherings and high-profile events. In that regard, HSGP <br />recipients are urged to consider using grant funding to support soft target preparedness activities. SHSP or <br />UASI funds may be used to support select operational expenses associated with increased security measures
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