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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-6 <br />• All operational overtime requests must clearly explain how the request meets the criteria of one <br />or more of the categories listed in the table above. Requests must address the threat environment <br />as it relates to the event or activity requiring operational overtime support and explain how the <br />overtime activity is responsive to the threat. Request letters sent to FEMA must be <br />UNCLASSIFIED but may be labeled “For Official Use Only.” If explaining the threat will <br />require the sharing of classified information, the letter should state that fact. FEMA will then plan <br />for the sharing of classified information through official channels. <br />• Post-event operational overtime requests will only be considered on a case-by-case basis, where it <br />is demonstrated that exigent circumstances prevented submission of a request in advance of the <br />event or activity. <br />• Under no circumstances may FEMA grant funding be used to pay for costs already supported by <br />funding from another federal source. <br />• States with UASI jurisdictions can use funds retained at the state level to reimburse eligible <br />operational overtime expenses incurred by the state (per the above guidance limitations). Any <br />UASI funds retained by the state must be used in direct support of the high-risk urban area. States <br />must provide documentation to the Urban Area Working Group (UAWG) and FEMA upon <br />request demonstrating how any UASI funds retained by a state would directly support the high- <br />risk urban area. <br />• FEMA will consult and coordinate with appropriate DHS components as necessary to verify <br />information used to support operational overtime requests. For example, the review of operational <br />overtime requests for the protection of critical infrastructure will be coordinated with DHS Office <br />of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis to verify the Level I or Level II NCIPP designation. Also, <br />DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis will be consulted to validate reported threat information <br />associated with the event or activity. <br /> <br />Personnel Costs. Personnel hiring, overtime, and backfill expenses are permitted under this grant to <br />perform allowable HSGP planning, training, exercise, and equipment activities. Personnel may include <br />but are not limited to training and exercise coordinators, program managers for activities directly <br />associated with SHSP and UASI funded activities, intelligence analysts, and SWICs. <br /> <br />For further details, SAAs should refer to Information Bulletin (IB) #421b, Clarification on the Personnel <br />Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and Enhancement of Homeland Security Act of 2008 (Public <br />L. No. 110–412 – the PRICE Act), October 30, 2019, or contact their FEMA Preparedness Officer. HSGP <br />funds may not be used to support the hiring of any personnel to fulfill traditional public health and safety <br />duties nor to supplant traditional public health and safety positions and responsibilities. The following <br />definitions apply to personnel costs: <br /> <br />• Hiring. State and local entities may use grant funding to cover the salary of newly hired personnel <br />who are exclusively undertaking allowable FEMA grant activities as specified in this guidance. <br />This may not include new personnel who are hired to fulfill any non-FEMA program activities <br />under any circumstances. Hiring will always result in a net increase of Full Time Equivalent <br />(FTE) employees. <br />• Overtime. These expenses are limited to the additional costs that result from personnel working <br />over and above 40 hours of weekly work time as the direct result of their performance of FEMA- <br />approved activities specified in this guidance. Overtime associated with any other activity is not <br />eligible. <br />• Backfill-Related Overtime. Also called “Overtime as Backfill,” these expenses are limited to <br />overtime costs that result from personnel who are working overtime (as identified above) to <br />perform the duties of other personnel who are temporarily assigned to FEMA-approved activities
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