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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-8 <br />• Be coordinated with the USBP Sector, SAA, and the DHS/Customs and Border Protection (CBP) <br />Office of the Border Patrol (OBP). <br /> <br />Further, changes in scope or objective also require FEMA’s prior written approval pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § <br />200.308(c)(1). If the cost changes are allowable under the grant, a Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) must be <br />submitted to HSIN to obtain FEMA’s prior written approval of such changes in accordance with 2 C.F.R. <br />§ 200.308(c)(1). These modifications will be annotated in the annex section of the FRAGO. <br /> <br />OPSG funds may be used to pay additional current part-time law enforcement personnel salaries to bring <br />them to temporary full-time status. OPSG funds may support a Governor’s request to activate, deploy, or <br />redeploy specialized National Guard Units/Package and/or elements of state law enforcement serving as <br />friendly forces to increase or augment specialized/technical law enforcement elements’ operational <br />activities. Costs associated with backfill for personnel supporting operational activities are allowable. <br /> <br />As with all OPSG personnel costs, OPSG grant funds will be used to supplement existing funds and will <br />not replace (supplant) funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Applicants or recipients <br />may be required to supply documentation certifying that a reduction in non-federal resources occurred for <br />reasons other than the receipt or expected receipt of federal funds. <br /> <br />Intelligence Support <br />OPSG funds may as applicable and operationally beneficial be used to pay salaries and benefits for <br />personnel to serve as qualified Intelligence Analysts. Per 6 U.S.C. § 609(a), OPSG funds may be used to <br />hire new staff and/or contractor positions to serve as intelligence analysts to enable and enhance <br />information/intelligence sharing capabilities, as well as support existing intelligence analysts previousl y <br />covered by OPSG funding. Qualified OPSG-funded intelligence analysts can be assigned to an applicable <br />law enforcement facility/intelligence function as long as information/intelligence sharing is maintained. <br />To serve as an OPSG-funded intelligence analyst, staff and/or contractor personnel must meet at least one <br />of the following criteria: <br /> <br />• Complete training to ensure baseline proficiency in intelligence analysis and production within <br />six months of being hired; and/or, <br />• Previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two years either in a federal <br />intelligence agency, the military, or state and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit. <br /> <br />OPSG-funded intelligence analysts must demonstrate qualifications that meet or exceed competencies <br />identified in the Common Competencies for state, local, and tribal intelligence analysts, which outlines <br />the minimum categories of training needed for intelligence analysts. A certificate of completion of such <br />training must be on file with the SAA and must be made available to the recipient’s respective FEMA HQ <br />Preparedness Officer upon request. <br /> <br />As with all allowable expenditures under HSGP, the SAA or its OPSG subrecipient jurisdictions must <br />agree to and approve the use of funds for this purpose and request to amend applicable grant awards <br />accordingly. Under OPSG, SAAs and subrecipients requesting to use grant funds in this manner must also <br />collaborate regarding prioritization of funds for the provision of allowable associated costs for <br />intelligence analysts with the applicable USBP sector and memorializing the collaboration through an <br />Operations, Fragmentary or Supplemental Operations Order approved by the USBP sector, USBP <br />Headquarters, and the FEMA Grant Programs Directorate. <br />