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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-10 <br />may also retain additional funding from its SHSP award to manage and administer the OPSG award, but <br />that additional amount is also capped at an amount equal to 2.5 percent of the OPSG award. Examples <br />applying this principle: <br /> <br />SAA 1: <br />SHSP: $1,000,000 OPSG: $2,500,000 UASI: $2,500,000 <br />M&A Maximum: $300,000 (5 percent of $6,000,000) <br />Maximum M&A for SHSP = $50,000 <br />Maximum M&A for OPSG = $125,000. Of that amount, $62,500 (2.5 percent) may be retained <br />from the OPSG allocation, and the other $62,500 would come from the SHSP allocation. Any <br />amount used to manage and administer OPSG that is charged to SHSP may be above and <br />beyond the $50,000 available to manage the SHSP allocation. <br />Maximum M&A for UASI = $125,000 <br /> <br />SAA 2: <br />SHSP: $3,500,000 OPSG: $1,000,000 <br />M&A Maximum: $225,000 (5 percent of $4,500,000) <br />Maximum M&A for SHSP = $175,000 <br />Maximum M&A for OPSG = $50,000. Of that amount, $25,000 (2.5 percent) may be retained <br />from the OPSG allocation, and the other $25,000 would come from the SHSP allocation. Any <br />amount used to manage and administer OPSG that is charged to SHSP may be above and <br />beyond the $175,000 available to manage the SHSP allocation. <br /> <br />HSGP recipients are also reminded that any M&A charged to a recipient’s or subrecipient’s UASI <br />funding must be directly allocable to administration of the UASI grant program and cannot be used to <br />cover M&A costs that are directly allocable to SHSP or OPSG funding. Similarly, any M&A charged to a <br />recipient’s or subrecipient’s SHSP or OPSG funding cannot be used to cover M&A costs directly <br />allocable to UASI funding <br /> <br />Additionally, if a state/territory receives Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) funding, it may use <br />SHSP M&A funding to cover M&A costs related to the management of NSGP-State awards, and UASI <br />M&A funding to cover M&A costs related to the management of NSGP-Urban Area awards.. <br /> <br />Specific for OPSG, subrecipients and friendly forces may retain funding for M&A purposes; however, the <br />total amount retained cannot exceed 5% of the subrecipient’s subaward. Friendly forces are local law <br />enforcement entities that are subordinate subrecipients under OPSG. In other words, friendly forces are <br />entities that receive a subaward from a subrecipient under the OPSG program. Friendly forces must <br />comply with all requirements of subrecipients under 2 C.F.R. Part 200. <br /> <br />Equipment (SHSP and UASI) <br />The 21 allowable prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery equipment categories for <br />HSGP are listed on the Authorized Equipment List (AEL). Some equipment items require prior approval <br />from FEMA before obligation or purchase of the items. Please reference the grant notes for each <br />equipment item to ensure prior approval is not required or to ensure prior approval is obtained if <br />necessary. Recipients and subrecipients may purchase equipment not listed on the AEL, but only if they <br />first seek and obtain prior approval from FEMA. <br /> <br />Unless otherwise stated, all equipment must meet all mandatory regulatory and/or FEMA-adopted <br />standards to be eligible for purchase using these funds. In addition, recipients will be responsible for <br />obtaining and maintaining all necessary certifications and licenses for the requested equipment.