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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-29 <br />• Integrating preparedness activities across disciplines, the private sector, nonprofit, faith-based, <br />and community organizations, and SLTT governments, with the goal of maximizing coordination <br />and reducing duplication of effort; <br />• Creating a cohesive planning network that builds and implements preparedness initiatives using <br />FEMA resources, as well as other federal, SLTT, private sector, and faith-based community <br />resources; <br />• Management of all available preparedness funding sources to ensure their effective use and to <br />minimize duplication of effort; <br />• Ensuring investments support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities identified in the <br />THIRA/SPR; <br />• Assist in preparation and revision of the state, regional, or local homeland security plan or the <br />threat and hazard identification and risk assessment, as the case may be; and <br />• Assist in determining effective funding priorities for SHSP grants. <br /> <br />SAC Charter <br />The governance of the SHSP and UASI programs through the SAC should be directed by a charter. All <br />members of the SAC should sign and date the charter showing their agreement with its content and their <br />representation on the Committee. Revisions to the governing charter must be sent to the recipient’s <br />assigned FEMA HQ Preparedness Officer. The SAC charter must at a minimum address the following: <br /> <br />• A detailed description of the SAC’s composition and an explanation of key governance processes, <br />including how the SAC is informed by the state’s and urban area’s THIRA/SPR; <br />• A description of the frequency at which the SAC will meet; <br />• How the committee will leverage existing governance bodies; <br />• A detailed description of how decisions on programmatic priorities funded by SHSP and UASI <br />are made and how those decisions will be documented and shared with its members and other <br />stakeholders, as appropriate; and <br />• A description of defined roles and responsibilities for financial decision making and meeting <br />administrative requirements. <br /> <br />To ensure ongoing coordination efforts, SAAs are encouraged to share community preparedness <br />information submitted in a state’s BSIR with members of the SAC. SAAs are also encouraged to share <br />their THIRA/SPR data with members of the SAC who are applying for other FEMA preparedness grants <br />to enhance their understanding of statewide capability gaps. The charter should be made available upon <br />request to promote transparency in decision-making related to SHSP and UASI activities. <br /> <br />To manage this effort and to further reinforce collaboration and coordination across the stakeholder <br />community, a portion of the 20% holdback of a state or territory award may be utilized by the SAA to <br />support the SAC and to ensure representation and active participation of SAC members. Funding may be <br />used for hiring and training planners, establishing and maintaining a program management structure, <br />identifying and managing projects, conducting research necessary to inform the planning process, and <br />developing plans that bridge mechanisms, documents, protocols, and procedures. <br /> <br />Urban Area Working Group (UAWG) <br />UASI program implementation and governance must include regional partners and should have balanced <br />representation among entities with operational responsibilities for prevention, protection, mitigation, <br />response, and recovery activities within the region. In some instances, high-risk urban area boundaries <br />cross state borders. States must ensure that the identified urban areas take an inclusive regional approach
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