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Public Works Agency <br /> <br />Item # 10 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br /> Staff Report <br />August 16, 2022 <br />TOPIC: Contract Amendment for Asphalt Pothole Repair <br />AGENDA TITLE <br />Amend Purchase Order Contract with All American Asphalt to Increase the Annual <br />Amount by $202,200 for Asphalt Pothole Repair (Specification No. 18-092) (Non-General <br />Fund) <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Authorize an amendment to the Purchase Order Contract with All American Asphalt for <br />asphalt pothole repair to increase the annual amount by $202,200, for a total annual <br />amount not to exceed $900,000, prorated for the remainder of the current term ending <br />November 30, 2022, including the one-year renewal exercisable by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City <br />Attorney. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Public Works Agency’s Maintenance Services Division is responsible for maintaining <br />approximately 400 miles of roadway within the City of Santa Ana. Services provided <br />under the asphalt pothole repair contract include the repair of potholes and the repair of <br />small damaged pavement areas with asphalt overlay. The contract also provides for <br />sidewalk asphalt ramping to reduce risks to pedestrians. <br />On November 20, 2018, the City Council awarded a contract to All American Asphalt for <br />an annual amount not to exceed $550,000 to perform the services mentioned above. In <br />order to respond to the increased number of service requests, the City Council approved <br />an amendment to increase the contract amount by $147,800 on November 16, 2021, for <br />a total contract amount not to exceed $697,800. In keeping with City Council’s directives <br />to provide responsive services to the public, staff recommends increasing the contract <br />amount by an additional $202,200 annually to ensure sufficient funds are available to <br />respond to the continued increase in service requests. The funding will also help to avoid <br />deferring pothole repairs. <br />All American Asphalt has provided satisfactory services to the Public Works Engineering <br />Division for several years and most recently completed the following Capital Improvement <br />Projects (CIP):