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UNDERSTANDING OF NEED <br />The City intends to retain Civil Engineering <br />Consultants on an as -needed or "on -call" basis. <br />On an on -call, as -needed basis, the selected <br />consultants may later be asked to provide <br />professional engineering services proposals on <br />specific, project -by -project basis, based on an <br />agreed -upon specific scope of services and <br />fees. The consultant shall be able to assist the <br />City through this contract to provide the <br />necessary engineering services. The consultant <br />shall utilize in-house staff and/or subconsultants <br />to complete the assignments to meet the City <br />standards. For specialized work for which the <br />prime consultant shall require a subconsultant, <br />the prime consultant shall serve as an <br />administrative liaison between the City and the <br />subconsultant. <br />Approach <br />Our basic approach to engineering support <br />services will be to provide the City with an <br />experienced, knowledgeable and enthusiastic <br />staff dedicated to providing the level of service <br />the City desires. Tetra Tech is committing our <br />top project manager and most experienced <br />project engineers to this contract to ensure that <br />this is accomplished. Our Team will be able to <br />recognize and anticipate problems and be able <br />to come to the City with options and solutions in <br />a timely manner. Our core principles establish <br />how we plan to partner with the City to <br />successfully complete your projects: <br />Service: Tetra Tech puts its clients first. We <br />listen to and better understand our clients' <br />needs and deliver cost-effective solutions <br />that meet those needs. Our philosophy is to <br />"Do it Right." <br />Value: Tetra Tech takes on our clients' <br />problems as if they were our own. We <br />develop and implement real -world solutions <br />that are cost-effective, efficient, and <br />practical. <br />Excellence: Tetra Tech brings superior <br />technical capability, disciplined project <br />management, and excellence in safety and <br />quality to all of our work. <br />Opportunity: Our people are our number <br />one asset. Our workforce is diverse and <br />includes leading experts in our fields. Our <br />entrepreneurial nature and commitment to <br />success provides challenges and <br />opportunities. <br />Our extensive experience with similar projects <br />will ensure that the City will receive a high level <br />of service delivered by qualified, knowledgeable <br />engineering professionals. Highly meticulous <br />and coherent plans and specifications greatly <br />benefit all project stakeholders, with the largest <br />benefit realized by the Owner. Quality contract <br />documents clearly lead to a larger number of <br />bidders, lower competitive bid prices (due to <br />increased competition, the contractor has less to <br />assume and take the risk for, and a greater <br />overall comfort level in our design based on a <br />long history of successful projects), and lowest <br />overall cost while achieving a very high -quality <br />end product (quality contract documents <br />mitigates the potential, and impact of change <br />orders, and sets forth a standard of quality the <br />contract must achieve). <br />No two projects are the same, although many <br />are similar. The key is to utilize elements of work <br />that have been successful and can be <br />appropriately applied to your projects, continue <br />to improve construction efficiencies without <br />lowering quality based on contractor feedback, <br />and maximize the overall operational flexibility. <br />We feel the previous work that Tetra Tech has <br />completed on previous projects for the City are <br />examples of our quality product which has <br />resulted in a low overall cost for the City. We <br />want to utilize the experience gained from <br />working on the previous projects, and to <br />continue providing the City with exceptional <br />services to assure that another project is <br />successfully completed to the satisfaction of the <br />City. <br />Tetra Tech's experience in design and <br />engineering services covers all facilities in the <br />water and wastewater systems including: <br />• Planning Studies <br />• Hydraulic Modeling <br />• Pipelines <br />• Storage <br />• Pump and Regulatory Stations <br />• Water Wells/Hydrogeology <br />TETRA TECH Page 19 <br />