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Item 15 - Approve Agreements for Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 15 - Approve Agreements for Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services
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12/18/2024 9:41:59 AM
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12/18/2024 8:22:07 AM
City Clerk
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construction to the adjoining properties. We are <br />sensitive to their concerns regarding <br />construction impacts and the concerns of the <br />local residences and businesses along the <br />proposed alignments. The following are several <br />key issues to consider: <br />• Identify Schools and Emergency Facilities <br />• Develop Plan to Minimize Impacts <br />• Maintain Access to Commercial, Businesses, <br />Residences <br />• Limit Length of Work Zone <br />Our previous experience has shown us the <br />importance of limiting the length of the total work <br />zone the contractor will be allowed. By requiring <br />the contractor to pressure test, place final <br />pavement, and perform clean-up within <br />reasonable working limits prior to starting new <br />excavation work, the construction impacts to the <br />public/community are minimized. <br />PROJECT MANAGEMENT POLICIES <br />AND PROCEDURES <br />Tetra Tech team's strength lies in the <br />qualifications of our management team and our <br />steadfast commitment to following our propriety <br />written Project Management Policies and <br />Procedures, to proactively manage the project's <br />schedule, resources, budget and deliverables to <br />ensure project metrics are maintained or <br />exceeded, thus ensuring the overall success of <br />the project. <br />Successful project teams need leaders who are <br />agile and flexible with the ability to adapt quickly <br />to changing circumstances to maintain project <br />schedules and budgets. Successful <br />organizations invest in their people, resources, <br />and tools and develop processes and <br />procedures that can implemented rapidly in <br />times of uncertainty. <br />The benefits of our organization's investments <br />and Tetra Tech's culture of developing leaders <br />and managers with these abilities has been on <br />full display during the COVID-19 crisis. Over the <br />past several years, Tetra Tech invested in highly <br />secure, cloud -based software products, <br />including the complete suite of Microsoft Office <br />365, allowing our staff to collaborate and <br />communicate remotely. This investment allows <br />Tetra Tech's professionals and project teams to <br />remain fully connected and hard at work <br />servicing our clients regardless of their location. <br />Because our investments include the latest and <br />most advanced cybersecurity features and <br />certifications, we can extend secure and remote <br />access to project files and deliverable <br />work -products to our subconsultants and clients, <br />as well. <br />During the COVID 19 crisis, Tetra Tech closed <br />hundreds of offices located in countries across <br />the globe. Despite those challenges, 95 percent <br />of our staff, nearly 20,000 associates, were able <br />to work from home and continue to produce <br />deliverables such as memos, reports, permit <br />applications, and engineering designs. We are <br />proud that our organization successfully <br />navigated the challenges impacting so many of <br />our staff and offices. Our project team has <br />demonstrated that we can adapt quickly and <br />continue to produce high- quality work products <br />while incorporating client and stakeholder input <br />and feedback without "face-to-face" meetings <br />and "printed" materials. As a result, Tetra Tech <br />is confident we can maintain workflow, meet the <br />project's schedule goals, and stay agile and <br />productive in the event of another disaster <br />declaration. <br />Planning the Project <br />Every project, regardless of size and complexity, <br />must undergo the same planning process. Of <br />course, each step is scalable based on the <br />various components of the project. Planning <br />starts with a thorough understanding of the <br />goals and objectives of the project, items to be <br />provided by others, and all project stakeholders. <br />With this basic information, the project is further <br />developed through the creation of a detailed <br />scope of work, including the deliverables. Next <br />the WBS, or Work Breakdown Structure, which <br />mirrors the scope of work is developed to assign <br />resources, budget and schedule required to <br />complete each scope of work item. All elements <br />together yield the basis for the Project <br />Management Plan (PMP). <br />This planning performs multiple functions. The <br />obvious function is that it will allow us to identify <br />critical path tasks and staffing needs. We can <br />make sure that certain resources are made <br />available when needed to complete the task <br />along the schedule's critical path so that <br />subsequent dependent tasks can begin as <br />scheduled. In addition, it ensures that our team <br />TETRA TECH Page 112 <br />
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