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Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
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12/18/2024 9:43:04 AM
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City Clerk
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City Manager's Office
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Wojaczynski, Brittany <br />From: Victor Payan <> <br />Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 2:21 PM <br />To: Macedonio, Margarita <br />Cc: Soto, Daniel; Ridge, Kristine; eComment; Gomez, Daisy <br />Subject: Complaint: Stifling of Community Input re: Cypress Fire Station <br />Hello, Margarita, <br />I am writing you to register a formal complaint and bring to your attention a new instance at this week's <br />Pacific Park Neighborhood Association meeting regarding attempts to stifle discussion and input about an <br />important matter on the agenda relating to the Santa Ana Police Department. I brought this to your <br />colleague's attention at Tuesday's meeting and requested that he communicate my concerns to you. <br />During the public discussion of the SAPD's plans to commence operations at the Roosevelt Walker Center, I <br />was asking several questions about the project when a member of the audience aggressively insisted I stop <br />talking, under the premise that I was preventing others from speaking. There were no hands raised or <br />indications that anyone else was trying to speak on the issue at the time. To the contrary, everyone in the <br />room was listening intently. <br />This occurred prior to the SAPID representative having the opportunity to answer my questions. As no one was <br />waiting to speak, I finished my questions, and the officer was allowed to answer. <br />The community input followed for several additional questions, as people were interested in learning more <br />about this proposal. Selica, who was running the meeting, rushed discussion to a close and moved on to the <br />other agenda items. The discussion was not inordinately long, and the entire meeting was less than an hour in <br />duration, so there was no need to close discussion before community input and questions were over. <br />As you recall, I brought to your attention the incident at the June 14 Pacific Park Neighborhood Association <br />meeting, which you witnessed, of Selica Diaz trying to stifle discussion and input regarding plans for the SAPID <br />to bring the PAAL program to the Cypress Fire Station. She aggressively interrupted me and tried to stop me <br />from talking in the same manner as the individual at this week's meeting. In both cases, I asserted my right to <br />provide input and for the community to be allowed to provide input and ask questions without coercion or <br />intimidation to stop, from Selica or anyone else. <br />At that time, I indicated to you that such egregious and inappropriate stifling of community discussion <br />undermined the basic function of the Neighborhood Associations. I also indicated it was especially <br />inappropriate for the co -leader of the Park Neighborhood Association to railroad the community into a <br />situation that they do not want. <br />This is now two times that I bring to your attention attempts to stifle community discussion around SAPID <br />issues relating to our neighborhood. Additionally, after each incident I have also witnessed Selica approach <br />community members in private discussions that appear to be "explaining" the issue to lobby support for the <br />SAPID. This is also unacceptable from a Neighborhood Association leader. <br />
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