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Public Works Agency <br /> <br />Item # 23 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br /> Staff Report <br />August 16, 2022 <br />TOPIC: Vacate Portion of Alley <br />AGENDA TITLE <br />Public Hearing - Adopt a Resolution Vacating a Portion of Alley North of Second Street <br />between Broadway and Sycamore Street, Abandonment 21-01 <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Hold a Public Hearing and adopt a resolution vacating a portion of the alley north of <br />Second Street between Broadway and Sycamore Street. <br />DISCUSSION <br />On December 2, 2014, the City Council approved the execution of a Right of Entry and <br />License Agreement (license) with Corbiz, LLC (Corbiz) to install and maintain <br />improvements within the alley north of Second Street between Broadway and Sycamore <br />Street. The portion of alley subject to the license is adjacent to the Southern Counties <br />Gas Company (SCG) Building at 207 West Second Street. The existing license allows for <br />the space to be improved and used as an enclosed patio and utility area. Because of the <br />long-term nature of the patio improvements, and the absence of need to use the portion <br />of alley for public access, Corbiz has requested the City vacate the right of way. <br />On July 19, 2022, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring the City’s intent to <br />vacate the portion of alley. The requested vacation area is a portion of a north-south <br />aligned, dead-end alley situated between the Santora Building at 207 North Broadway <br />and the SCG Building (Exhibit 1 and 2). The alley is connected to Second Street in the <br />Artists Village and terminates at a private parking lot owned by Corbiz at 214 North <br />Sycamore Street. <br />According to a title report submitted by the applicant, the City owns an easement over the <br />portion of alley, which if vacated would revert to Corbiz and would be incorporated into the <br />SCG parcel. The remainder of the alley easement will continue to allow public access <br />between Second Street and the private parking lot. <br />Utilities, other government agencies, and City agencies have been advised of the alley <br />easement vacation. In addition, in order to restrict enclosure of the vacated space, Corbiz <br />would be required to record a covenant to prohibit new structures and maintain the area as