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<br />Flores, Dora <br />From:T Sherman <> <br />Sent:Wednesday, <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Item 29 <br /> Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Councilmembers, <br /> <br />This past weekend I took my 6 year old grandson along with our dog to Jack Fisher Park. It was early in the <br />morning, perhaps 6:30. Sprawled out on one of the park benches was an individual who, I am guessing, had <br />decided to spend at least part of the evening, sleeping on the park. Seems you folks had called upon park staff <br />to remove the metal arm rests from the middle of park benches. Had these still been in place, this person as <br />well as others could still sleep upon a park bench, but not horizontally. <br />Maybe your decision to remove these arm rests was to allow those who choose to sleep in our parks to be <br />comfortable. All you are doing is enabling vagrants a reason to settle in our city. <br />Voting in favor of Item 29 on the agenda will assist Santa Ana in keeping pace with neighboring cities <br />regarding those who are homeless. We should do everything to provide safe and secure shelter for those <br />interested in obtaining this. And for those who choose to shit and sleep outdoors, push these people to the <br />nearest city with city leaders foolish enough to place the well being of those selecting not to contribute to <br />society over those who do. <br />Regards. <br />Tony Sherman <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />