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(a CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />3. Direct communication with City Councilmembers and City Clerk. <br />C. Staffing Responsibilities: <br />1. Provide, hire and supervise all video production crew and staff to ensure that the <br />control room is fully staffed during meetings and to provide a professional, high -quality <br />video production. <br />i. Staff shall include Director, Camera Robotics Operator, Audio Operator, <br />Graphics Designer and Playback Operator. These positions may be <br />consolidated in one or more persons. City recommends a crew of 2-3 people. <br />2. Schedule video production staff. Pre -arrange and notify crew of video productions and <br />changes. <br />3. Provide for office administration and payroll for video production and playback crew. <br />4. Provide and be responsible for all production staff training and hands-on use of <br />equipment for video crews. <br />D. Training and Support: <br />1. Provide a training program (remotely or in -person) to a group of up to eight (8) City <br />staff members. <br />i. Training shall describe the roles and responsibilities of the Contractor in <br />providing the video streaming service for City Council/public meetings. <br />ii. Training shall identify how City Staff can identify and rectify minor problems that <br />may arise in the rollout of the video streaming services. <br />2. Provide a main point of contact for City Staff. <br />i. The main point of contact shall have a thorough understanding of the video <br />streaming system and be capable of troubleshooting problems remotely with <br />City Staff who may not be experts in video and audio technology. <br />E. Other Responsibilities: <br />1. Provide maintenance of playback equipment located in City Hall as necessary for City <br />Council meetings. <br />i. The City of Santa Ana provides the control room equipment, cameras and <br />equipment located inside the Council Chambers to broadcast and record the <br />City Council meetings, including computers and other video production <br />equipment. <br />II. OPTION B: Annual State of the City Address <br />1. Contractor shall produce the Mayor's annual State of the City address, including: <br />i. Hiring and supervising crew for camera operations, <br />ii. Audio mixing, <br />iii. Cable running, <br />iv. Equipment load -in and load -out, <br />v. Directing the show for video, <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 24-108 Page 17 of 33 <br />