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ii iCITY OF SANTA Al <br />8. Prepare preventative maintenance schedules and execute said maintenance on a <br />routine basis. <br />9. Coordinate equipment repair with outside agencies. <br />10. Supervise annual asset inventories and tagging of new assets, as needed. <br />11. Coordinate acquisition of new production equipment. <br />12. Facilitate and supervise use of facilities or equipment by outside agencies, persons, <br />other City employees or cable franchisee staff. <br />13. Provide updates to City staff on progress of equipment installation, maintenance, <br />building projects and anticipated completion dates. <br />14. Conduct regular security checks on the City's production equipment. <br />15. Assist City Clerk and other staff on use of Council Chambers: video, audio, lighting, <br />PowerPoint, Elmo or other technical needs. <br />16. Facilitate completion of production services requested by City staff (including making <br />dubs, editing and shooting videos, setting up equipment, programming videos on the <br />city TV channel, delivering equipment, setting up operating facilities as needed.) <br />17. Vendor may utilize consultants/subcontractors to assist as required at the discretion <br />of and with approval from the City Manager's Office. <br />18. Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal safety codes and regulations. <br />VI. Other Services Not Mentioned <br />1. In addition to the designated proposal cost categories provided below, Proposers are <br />encouraged to provide cost proposals for services that are not described in this RFP <br />but may be of benefit to the City with regard to video streaming services. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 24-108 Page 19 of 33 <br />