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Agreement with County of Orange Exchange of Real Property <br />October 4, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />Within County -owned Parcel A is the Plaza of the Flags and parking structure area below, <br />as well as the Japanese Garden and a portion of the Ross Annex Parking Structure. <br />County staff have indicated that the Parcel A is not needed for County purposes. Parcel <br />A is also located directly adjacent to Santa Ana City Hall. The Plaza is generally used by <br />the City for special events and activities throughout the year, including farmer's markets <br />and as an ice-skating rink during the winter, for which approval must be requested from <br />the County of Orange. The City's ownership of the property will allow the City to utilize <br />the Plaza without going through a County permitting process. <br />Within City -owned Parcel B is a portion of the Library parking structure. The County <br />administers the parking within the Civic Center and under the various agreements with <br />the City for the operation of the Civic Center, collects the revenues for the upkeep of the <br />Civic Center area. Parcel B is not needed for City purposes. <br />In addition, if the exchange is approved by the City and the County of Orange, the property <br />ownership boundaries which currently run through the Library parking structure and the <br />Ross Annex parking structure will be adjusted so that the structures are wholly contained <br />within one ownership. In order to consolidate ownership of the Santa Ana Library Parking <br />structure and assist the City in the activation of the Plaza of the Flags area, the County <br />and the City share a mutual interest in the exchange of parcels. Based on the opinions of <br />City staff, valuation of the parcels subject to the exchange is equivalent. <br />Prior to completion of the property conveyance, the City must declare Parcel B as surplus <br />land, and therefore, is exempt surplus land pursuant to Government Code section <br />54221(f)(1)(c). <br />Staff recommends the approval of the attached Agreement for the Exchange of Real <br />Property (Exhibit 3), which sets out the parameters for the exchange, and adoption of the <br />resolution declaring Parcel B as exempt surplus land pursuant to the Surplus Land Act <br />Exhibit 4). <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action.