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021 <br />REL:S/]1/94 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 94- 031 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA VACATING CUBBON STREET BETWEEN <br />GRAHAM LANE AND HESPERIAN STREET, HESPERIAN <br />STREET BETWEEN CUBBON STREET AND A LINE 270 <br />FEET TO THE NORTH THEREOF, AND 450 FEET OF AN <br />ALLEY PARALLEL TO AND EAST OF HESPERIAN STREET <br />WHEREAS, this Council heretofore adopted on May 16, 1994, <br />Resolution No. 94-018, wherein it declared its intention to vacate, <br />pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 of <br />Part 3 of Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State <br />of California, Cubbon Street between Graham Lane and Hesperian <br />Street, Hesperian Street between Cubbon Street and a line 270 feet <br />to the north thereof, and 450 feet of an alley parallel to and east <br />of Hesperian Street; and <br />WHEREAS, said Resolution gave notice that on June 20, <br />1994, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter could be <br />heard, in the Council Chambers of the City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic <br />Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California, this Council would hear any <br />and all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed <br />vacation of the said streets and alley; and <br />WHEREAS, this Council finds that said Resolution has been <br />published in the manner prescribed by law for the publishing of <br />ordinances of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, this Council further finds that notices of said <br />proposed street and alley vacations stating the purposes of said <br />Resolution and the time and place set for hearing were posted as <br />directed by the Council and required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, this Council at the time and place set for <br />hearing heard any and all persons interested in or objecting to <br />said proposed vacation of said streets and alley and received and <br />considered all evidence submitted; <br />WHEREAS, this Council finds from all the evidence <br />submitted that the said streets and alley are unnecessary for <br />present or prospective public use, based upon the following <br />findings of fact: <br />1. Said streets are not necessary to provide access to <br />abutting property owners. <br />2. Said streets are not necessary or convenient for <br />servicing the flow of traffic. <br />WHEREAS, there are no in-place public utility facilities <br />EXHIBIT 2