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II. PROPOSAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer acknowledges that it has thoroughly examined and <br />accepts the Terms and Conditions of this RFP as described below: <br />A. EXAMINATION <br />Proposer represent that it has thoroughly examined and become familiar with the services <br />and responsibilities required this RFP and that it is capable of effectively and efficiently <br />performing quality work to achieve the City's objectives. Any attachments referenced <br />herein or any interpretations, clarifications or amendments subsequently posted in the <br />relation to this RFP are fully incorporated. <br />B. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT <br />The City and the selected Proposer will enter into an Agreement similar to that as shown <br />in ATTACHMENT 4: STANDARD AGREEMENT in the Appendix of this RFP. If a <br />Proposer is unwilling or unable to execute an Agreement within thirty (30) days after being <br />notified of selection under this RFP, the City reserves the right to select the next most <br />qualified Proposer or call for new Proposals, whichever the City deems most appropriate. <br />C. PROPOSAL VALIDITY <br />Services, pricing and warranties indicated in a respondent's Proposal must be valid for a <br />period of 120 days after the submission of the Proposal. <br />D. PRE -CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES <br />Santa Ana shall not., in any event, be liable for any pre -contractual expenses incurred by <br />Proposers in the preparation of its proposal. <br />E. JOINT OFFERSISUBCONSULTANTS <br />Where two or more Proposers desire to submit a single Proposal in response to this RFP, <br />they should do so on a prime sub -consultant basis. The City intends to contract with a <br />single firm and not with multiple firms doing business as a joint venture. Should the use <br />of sub -consultants be offered, the Proposer shall provide the same assurances of <br />competence for the sub -consultant plus the demonstrated ability to manage and <br />supervise the subcontracted work. Sub -consultants shall not be allowed to further <br />subcontract with others for work under the Agreement. The provisions of the Agreement <br />shall apply to all sub -consultants in the same manner as the Proposer. <br />F. SAFETY PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS <br />Work Site Safety shall be as defined by the Standard Specifications and these special <br />provisions: <br />The Proposer shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all work performed under the <br />contract is performed in strict compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local <br />occupational safety regulations. The Consultant/Contractor shall provide at its expense <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-028 <br />Confined Space Rescue Services and Safety Training <br />Page 5 <br />