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Human Resources Department <br /> <br />Item # 9 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />January 21, 2025 <br />TOPIC: Destruction of Obsolete City Records <br />AGENDA TITLE <br />Approve Destruction of Obsolete City Records <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Approve the request for the destruction of obsolete records from the Human Resources <br />and Police Departments in accordance with the retention schedule outlined in City <br />Council Resolution 2013-14. <br />GOVERNMENT CODE §84308 APPLIES: No <br />DISCUSSION <br />On April 1, 2013, the City Council approved Resolution 2013- 014 (resolution). This <br />resolution provides the multiple agencies, departments, and offices of the City guidance <br />on the retention of City records, such as how long the records need to be retained. <br />City staff compiled the Citywide Records Retention Schedule (schedule) which sets <br />forth the retention period for a particular record. The schedule reflects the requirements <br />of the California Government Code, is modeled after the California Secretary of State' s <br />sample for local government, and incorporates other statutory periods applicable to the <br />City. <br />The schedule attached to the resolution is broken down into multiple sections covering <br />the varied responsibilities and minimum retention periods applicable to each. <br />Section 5. 13 of the resolution and the City's Municipal Code requires that the City <br />Attorney approve the destruction of a City record. Accordingly, Human Resources and <br />the Police Department have prepared a list of obsolete records proposed for destruction <br />in the form of a memorandum (Exhibits 1 and 2). A copy of the memorandum was <br />reviewed by staff from the City Attorney's Office and approved by the City Attorney. <br />Destruction of these records will serve to benefit each office with more efficient access <br />to files and alleviate the City's storage needs to maintain obsolete records. <br />