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Item 17 - Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Award a Construction Contract tfor Street Flood Protection
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 17 - Approve an Appropriation Adjustment and Award a Construction Contract tfor Street Flood Protection
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Last modified
1/27/2025 5:21:15 PM
Creation date
1/21/2025 2:13:40 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Public Works
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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 23-6627 <br />ROUSSELLE STREET FLOOD PROTECTION PROJECT <br />BIDDER'S STATEMENT <br />BIDDER understands and agrees that this Bid Proposal, Contract Documents and subsequent <br />Construction Contract Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between BIDDER and the <br />AGENCY only after it has been accepted by the City Council, endorsed by the Clerk of the Council <br />with her signature and official seal noting hereon the action of approval of the Council, signed by <br />the Public Works Agency Executive Director or his/her duly authorized agent, and signed by the <br />City Attorney, denoting his approval of the form of this document, and its execution, and when it <br />or an exact copy of it has been either delivered to BIDDER or deposited with the United States <br />Postal Service properly addressed to the BIDDER with the correct postage affixed thereto. <br />BIDDER further agrees that upon delivery (as defined above) of the accepted agreement he/she <br />will furnish AGENCY all required bonds and certificate of liability insurance within ten (10) <br />business days or the funds, check, draft, or BIDDERS bond substituted in lieu thereof <br />accompanying this proposal shall become the property of the AGENCY and shall be considered <br />as payment of damages due to the delay and other causes suffered by AGENCY because of the <br />failure to furnish the necessary bonds and because it is distinctly agreed that the proof of damages <br />actually suffered is difficult to ascertain; otherwise said funds, check, drafts, or BIDDER'S bond <br />substituted in lieu thereof shall be returned to the undersigned. <br />BIDDER understands that a bid is required for the entire work, the estimated quantities set forth <br />in the bid schedule are solely for the purpose of comparing bids, and that final compensation under <br />the contract will be based upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily completed. The <br />BIDDER also certifies that the bid is a balanced bid. <br />In accordance with Section 7028.15 of the California Business and Professions Code, the <br />undersigned certifies under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. <br />Name of Firm MIKE BUBALO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. <br />Signature of BIDDER <br />Title President <br />(If an individual, so state. If a firm or co -partnership, state the firm name and give the names of <br />all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, <br />and names of President, Secretary, Treasurer and. Manager, thereof.) <br />Dave Sorem, President, Manager <br />Jason Subaio, Secretary, Treasurer <br />P-5 of P-20 <br />
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